Lizard Mixell 141 TMR Mixer Trailer

By Yesmods

Mar 04 2020 - 11:13

Next mod



New FarmingSimulator 19 mod: The Lizard Mixell 141 TMR mixer trailer created by 76-Max.

This mod is an FS19 copy of one of the Mixell mixer wagons made by the Israeli manufacturer RMH Lachish Industries Ltd. It’s released under the Lizard brand to make it available on all platforms, consoles included.

It’s a smallmixer, suitable for small scale farming. It has double-sided discharging, connectionhoses and cables, and a fill level display.

FS19 Lizard Mixell 141 ModSpecs

Suggestedmixing ratio: 1straw bale (4,000 liters), 1 hay bale (4,000 liters), then top itoff with 6,000 liters of silage, which will give you TMR within the recommendedratio.

Where to Download

The Mixell 141 TMR mixer is in the in-game modhub. PC and Mac users can also download it from its mod page on the FS website.

Go to DownloadThis mod is an official Modhub mod. Please, do the modder a favor and only download it from the in-game hub or from its official mod page on

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