Briri Field Commander 28 Slurry Tank

By Yesmods

Mar 14 2020 - 12:49

Next mod



New FarmingSimulator 19 mod: The Briri Field Commander 28 slurry tank, created by PremiumPowerand Lukas2002.

This slurrytank mod is the bigger brother of the Briri Field Master 20 that GiantsSoftware released some time ago. The more massive Commander has room for 8,000liters more of liquid manure or digestate.

You needinjectors for the Briri Commander; it has a mount for it at the rear.

Briri Field Commander 28FS19 Mod Specs

Version – Manure System

(Updated April 3, 2020) There’s an updated version of the Briri slurry tank available inside Giants’ Modhub. Here’s what’s new:

There are several connection points for the hoses on each side of the tank. You can also store the hoses on the tank’s racks on each side.

The new version of the Briri slurry tank has a lot of connection points for hoses...

How to Download

You can get the Briri Slurry tank from the modhub inside the game or by visiting the mod page online (click the blue button.)

Go to DownloadThis mod is an official Modhub mod. Please, do the modder a favor and only download it from the in-game hub or from its official mod page on

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