4 great combines you need to have

By Yesmods

Jul 07 2020 - 14:50

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FS19 mods showcase. Hi folks, today we want to present to you 5 combines we've covered in the last year and a half for Farming Simulator 19. These are the best combines we tested and we definitely recommend these.

John Deere 50 & 60 STS Series Combines 1.2

John Deere 50 & 60 STS By SiiD Modding

This pack includes 3 types of combines. The STS 50, the STS 60 (Old Generation), and the new 2004 version of the STS 60. The models are very detailed and many cool animations.

CreditsSiiD Modding(the main guy), Esit, Giants Software, Julian11, ThundR’s, JHHG Modding.

Download info:

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Original article: https://www.yesmods.com/fs19-mods/harvesters/combine-harvesters/john-deere-50-60-sts-siid/

New Holland CR 6.90 – CR9.80 Combine Harvesters

New Holland CR 6.90 on the field

This combine is based on the standard one in FS19 but with a lot more options and features. If you love the New Holland combine but you want a little bit more attention from your neighbours farm? Then this combine with a paintjob is the one for you.

Download info:

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Original article: https://www.yesmods.com/fs19-mods/harvesters/combine-harvesters/new-holland-cr-rbl/

John Deere 9600 & 9610 Combine Harvesters

Again a John Deere and again from SiiD modding this time the 9600 & 9610. This combine is made with eye for detail. Here are some awesome features about this combine: Overhead, live display inside the cab, Several animated parts, also inside the cabin, Great-looking specular textures for wear and dirt... Just to name a few. If you don't have this one in your garage already you are missing a great mod.

Download info:

Go to Download

Original article: https://www.yesmods.com/fs19-mods/harvesters/combine-harvesters/john-deere-9600-and-9610-sd/

Gleaner S98 Combine Harvester 1.0.4

Last but not least the Gleaner S98. A great combine made by  FarmSimSteve. A combine that you don't see very often as mod in FS19.

Download info:

Go to Download

Original article: https://www.yesmods.com/fs19-mods/harvesters/combine-harvesters/gleaner-s98-combine-fss/

Recommended mods

New Holland CR9000 Series Combines (US & CAN)


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Krone BiGX Forage Harvester Series 1 & 3 1.0


John Deere STS 70 Series (American Version)
