FS19 mods showcase. Hi folks, today we want to present to you 5 combines we've covered in the last year and a half for Farming Simulator 19. These are the best combines we tested and we definitely recommend these.
John Deere 50 & 60 STS Series Combines 1.2

This pack includes 3 types of combines. The STS 50, the STS 60 (Old Generation), and the new 2004 version of the STS 60. The models are very detailed and many cool animations.
Credits: SiiD Modding(the main guy), Esit, Giants Software, Julian11, ThundR’s, JHHG Modding.
Download info:
Go to DownloadOriginal article: https://www.yesmods.com/fs19-mods/harvesters/combine-harvesters/john-deere-50-60-sts-siid/
New Holland CR 6.90 – CR9.80 Combine Harvesters

This combine is based on the standard one in FS19 but with a lot more options and features. If you love the New Holland combine but you want a little bit more attention from your neighbours farm? Then this combine with a paintjob is the one for you.
Download info:
Go to DownloadOriginal article: https://www.yesmods.com/fs19-mods/harvesters/combine-harvesters/new-holland-cr-rbl/
John Deere 9600 & 9610 Combine Harvesters

Again a John Deere and again from SiiD modding this time the 9600 & 9610. This combine is made with eye for detail. Here are some awesome features about this combine: Overhead, live display inside the cab, Several animated parts, also inside the cabin, Great-looking specular textures for wear and dirt... Just to name a few. If you don't have this one in your garage already you are missing a great mod.
Download info:
Go to DownloadOriginal article: https://www.yesmods.com/fs19-mods/harvesters/combine-harvesters/john-deere-9600-and-9610-sd/
Gleaner S98 Combine Harvester 1.0.4

Last but not least the Gleaner S98. A great combine made by FarmSimSteve. A combine that you don't see very often as mod in FS19.
Download info:
Go to DownloadOriginal article: https://www.yesmods.com/fs19-mods/harvesters/combine-harvesters/gleaner-s98-combine-fss/