Mack, Cat, Ford Trucks & AR Frames Pack

By Yesmods

Oct 06 2019 - 13:32

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FarmingSimulator 19 mod presentation: The Mack Pinnacle, Cat CT680, Ford LTL 9000trucks, and AR frames (swap bodies) pack by 5nine. To get this mega-packright now, head to the bottom of this post.

The 5nine trucking empire for Farming Simulator 19 just keeps growing. Now, you can download his fantastic trucks and AR frames pack. It's almost unbelievable how much stuff we get. First of all, there are three different trucks:

The Ford LTL 9000

A close up of the Ford LTL 9000 Farming Simulator 19 mod

A Mack Pinnacle

A close up of the Mack Pinnacle FS 19 mod

And the new Cat CT680

A close up of the Cat CT680 FS19 mod

The Fordand Mack trucks have been released earlier with other configuration options.The Cat CT680 is a 5nine first.

The Cat CT680 Interior

The interior of the Cat CT680 from the driver's perspective

Eachtruck can be customized in several ways:

Standard semis

The CAT CT680 pulling a Lode King grain trailer

Here youcan choose between short, long, and longer.

Dump bed

A Cat CT680 dum bed configuration receiving sugar beets from a Ropa

If you're aSeasons 19 player, note that you can add a salt spreader to your trucks.And a plow, of course. The plow is not included with the pack. I'll tell youwhere to download it later.

A Hooklift Version

A Mack Pinnacle hooklift truck off-loading a water tank.

All truckscan be customized to accept all kinds of hooklift applications.

The AR Versions

A Ford LTL9000 swap body truck unloading a Fendt Ideal combine harvester

This is anew one. When you choose this configuration, your trucks will match the ARframe applications that you also can download. There's a dump box, a flatbed,and a log bed available (more on those later.)

Customization Mania

You cancustomize your heart out with each and every one of the trucks. You can pickfrom tons of color options and wheel options, care wheels, chains, and crawlersincluded. And there are more choices (with some minor deviations):

A Mack Pinnacle semi truck illustration of how the 5th wheel adjustment works in FS 19

The AR Frames

The new FS19 truck pack by 5nine includes swap body capabilities. You can download atotal of three different AR frames to put on your truck.

The Grain Transport Bed

A Ford LTL9000 swap body truck unloads grain from the interchangeable dump box

Flat Bed (with Autoload)

 A Mack Pinnacle transporting round bales on a swap body flat bed with Autoload

One Log Bed

A Cat CT680 truck transporting logs on a swap body log bed

The grain box capacity is 45,000 liters. It has two tip options, where the grain door choice makes the box raise less, making it ideal for under roof tipping.

The log bed works with the Palfinger mountable crane, from the ITRunner pack by Agrartechnik Nordeifel. More on where to get it later. Oh, and the ideal log length, when the Palfinger is attached, is 5 meters.

You can addramps to the flatbed AR frame, making it suitable for transporting othervehicles.

About the Autoload

The flatbedcan be equipped with a ramp so that you can transport machinery on it. It alsohas Autoload - Full or Light. The Full mode is set and forget. Itwill pick up your chosen goods when your truck is close enough.

The Lightmode works a bit differently. It will only load stuff in a certain heightabove the ground. If you're stacking bales, you have to lift the bales slightlyfrom the ground to get it onto the bed. This mode is perfect if you’re asemi-realistic player.

A Mack Pinnacle truck, using the swap body flatbed, is loading round bales in Autoload ligt mode

Unloading Markers

When youwant to off-load your goods, you are helped by a marker. Its position can bealtered in many ways, just see the F1 help menu for guidance.

You need tohave the Easy Autoload mod installed and activated in your mods folder for theAutoload to work. More on where to download later.

A Mack Pinnacle truck, carrying round bales, is used to demonstrate the unloading marker

FS19 Trucks and AR Frames

5nine'strucks and applications for FS19 are so rich in features. It's perfect foreveryone looking for alternatives to the Kenworths and Peterbilts. Heck, it's idealfor anyone! Here are some details:

I have notdiscovered any errors (besides the raised load), most likely becausethere are none. But if you find a hiccup, please let me know in the comments.

A Ford LTL 9000 truck is carrying wool pallets on a swap body flatbed

Version - ARFrames Hotfix

(UpdatedOctober 10, 2019) Happytimes! The manuallyloaded stuff won't levitate when using tension belts with the AR frames.Now, there's also a non-autoload version of the frames. Thank you,5nine! Stacking bales manually is weirdly therapeutic once you get the hang ofit.

Thereare two things to say about this:

  1. The non-autoload flatbed needs to bedownloaded separately. The blue button below opens the download location.
  2. And the Autoload version of theframes has a new file name (important for how the game loads thefiles.)

Just deletethe old AR frames file. Then install the new one.

Where to Download

To get themost out of the 5nine trucks and applications pack, you should download someadditional mods. Here they are (just click on the links to open the downloadlocations.)

TheAutoload mod is hosted at Nexus Mods. You must register if you don’t have anaccount already. Remember that you can create one for free.

Screenshot of the different Nexus Mods membership options

The Trucks and Beds

5nine has put the trucks and the beds up for download at, where you can get each file separately. Just click on that blue button to open the download page.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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