FarmingSimulator 19 mods presentation: (GEA) Houle Liquid Manure Semi-Tanker byElite Modding Quebec. In case you're wondering about the downloadinformation, it's at the end of this post.
The semi-traileris an excellent FS 19 reproduction of the actual GEA Houle STR semi-tanker.
Sidenote: GEA FarmTechnologies is a German Company. It bought the Canadian manufacturer Houleback in 2008. That's why you see both company logos on the trailer.

It Spreads Too
If you'veever spread slurry, you know how fast a tank can empty. The Houle tanker can transport40,000 liters of liquids, making it ideal for shuttling between slurrypits and spreaders in the fields.
Theoverloading arm has a trigger at the end. You can rotate it with your mouse ora controller.

The Houlesemi-tanker can also do spreading on its own. Just add a plate spreaderto the rear of it in the shop, and you're good to go.

FS19 GEA Houle ManureSemi-Tanker
The Houletrailer looks stunning, wearing proper FS19 textures. And I really likehow you can add one or two extra axles to it. Here are some facts:
- Brand: GEA Houle.
- Credits: Elite Modding Quebec.
- Category: Slurry Tankers.
- Base price: 102,000.
- Capacity: 40,000 liters.
- Accepted: Slurry (liquid manure) and digestate.
- Working width: 15 meters.
- Working speed: 11 miles per hour | 18 kilometers per hour.
- Selectable colors: No.
- Selectable wheels: No, but you can select number of axles.
- Extra rear hitch: No.
- Errors: Yes, one tiny one (see below.)

I didnotice a small error in the log after using the tanker. Here’s an example:
Error: Can't load resource '../mods/FS19_HouleTanker/shared/detailArray_specular.png'.
The erroroccurs because the tank uses what seems to be a custom shader, while the restof the model parts use the global shader ($data.) It’s the custom shadernot finding 3 texture files.
It's not adramatic error. But all errors, no matter how small, can eventually causeproblems to your game.
Shaking Arm
Theoverloading arm did shake quite noticeably while being rotated. The shakingstopped once I returned it to its initial position.
How to Download
The GEA Houle semi-tanker can be yours if you download it from Sharemods. Click the Blue Button to open the modder's official download page.
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.