New FarmingSimulator 19 mod showcase: The HiSpec 3500TD-S tandem slurry tanker, createdby 4D Modding.
This addon isnot just another slurry tanker. It’s a fantastic example of what’s possible concerningmodding for FS19. It’s a demonstration of how flexible mods can be when createdby skilled talents. The addon has an almost insane amount of shop options, withmore than 50 configuration choices.
In-Game Features
It’s almosteasier to tell you what the HiSpec tanker can’t do. I’ll do my best tocover all the features.
You can, ofcourse, change the colors of the tank, the hoses and pipes, and the rims. Andwhile we’re on the subject of rims… You have several wheel options to playaround with.
You canturn the HiSpec into a transport tanker to refill other slurry equipment. Thereare three different styles to choose from. Here’s just one of them.

Lights, Valves, and LicensePlates
Ok. Movingon… When you’re going to buy a HiSpec slurry tanker, you have several purchaseoptions for working lights, valves, and different types of refilling andoverloading systems.
You can addhoses to your trailer as decoration. There are also options for the licenseplate, a toolbox, a ladder, an air tank, and the decals.
Let it Rain Slurry
Ibelieve this is an FS19 first: You can let it rain slurry over your fields from a nearby road when youbuy the rain-gun in the shop. This is a feature you can get with a real-worldHiSpec tanker, and it works amazingly well in Farming Simulator 19 too.

If you don’t want the rain-gun, your options are either a splash plate or one of the several injectors that are available in the base game or with the (free) Holmer DLC by Giants.
About the Lazy Arm
You can also download a Lazy Arm (an autofill arm) for the HiSpec slurry spreader. It’s placeable and doesn’t have a function, yet. That could change once Wopster releases his Manure System.
The ManureSystem will also make it possible for all of 4D Modding’s hoses to come tolife.

HiSpec 3500TD-S FS 19 ModSpecs
4D Moddinghas created a beautiful copy of the 3500TD-S tanker, made by the Irish company Hi-SpecEngineering Ltd. The mod is awesome in every way. It looks superb, it offers aton of options, and it’s pushing the limits for FS19 modding with its rain-gun.
- Brand: HiSpec.
- Credits: 4D Modding.
- Category: Slurry Tanks.
- Base price: 27,250.
- Capacity: 15,911 liters.
- Working width: 12.8 meters when using a splash plate.
- Working speed: 14 kilometers per hour | 9 miles per hour.
- The tank accepts: Slurry (liquid manure) and digestate.
- Selectable colors: Yes, a lot.
- Selectable wheels: Yes.
- Wheel brands: Trelleborg, Nokian, and Michelin.
- Extra rear hitch: Optional hitch for injectors.
- Errors: I could not find any errors in the log.
- Platforms: PC and Mac.
Manure System Ready
(Updated March 15, 2020) 4D Modding has just released a version of the HiSpec tank that works with Wopsters’ Manure Mod.

Yes, youcan store the hoses on the hangers on the side of the tanker.

You need tohave the ManureSystem mod in your mods folder to enjoy the new features.
Where to Download
Ok, now thetricky part… Downloading the HiSpec 3500TD-S. I’ve embedded 4D Modding’srelease post below. At the end of the text portion (click “See More”),you’ll find the links.
You must be careful when copying the links, to avoid the words “LINK” in front of them, and at the end. I guess this is a way of disguising the actual links from mod stealing robots…
Don’t Need the ManureSystem Version?
If you justwant the original version, that doesn’t require the Manure System, here’s the linkto the release post with the download link.
We always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.