Dezeure Bronto 20 Slurry Tank (with Injector)

By Yesmods

Nov 24 2019 - 13:04

Next mod



FarmingSimulator 19 addon presentation: The Dezeure Bronto 20 slurry tank (withinjector), modified by Niknab.

This is a delightfulconversion of the Dezeure Bronto tank that initially was made for FarmingSimulator 15. It’s the Belgium company Dezeure that manufactures the real-lifeversions of the slurry tankers.

Yes, youcan control the refilling-arm with a mouse or a controller.

One Tanker – Many Brands

The slurrytanker has some options to play around within the shop. There are, for example,different wheel brand choices available.

There arealso several alternatives for the finish of the tanker, both with regards tocolors and brands.

There’s an EYS model.

And a Kimadan brandedversion too.

Injector Included

The Brontoslurry tank comes with a slurry injector (a reskinned Samson TD 12.) Ithas a working width of 12 meters and can be matched color-wise to the differentbrands and colors of the tank.

There’sjust one problem. The programming is somewhat different. When you use the basegame slurry tankers together with an applicator, you’ll first turn on the tank.Once you have lowered the injector, the slurry starts pouring into the ground,but only then.

With the Dezeurepack, it’s different. When you turn on the tanker, it will start spreadingliquid manure using the splash plate, no matter what the position of theinjector is.

To make itwork, don’t turn on the tanker. Just lower the applicator to start puttingthe liquids into the ground. If it doesn’t work immediately, raise and lower itonce more.

FS 19 Dezeure Bronto 20 Mod

The Dezeuretanker looks stunning. I like how massive it is, although it has some minorhiccups.

Here aresome of the facts:

About the Warnings

I noticed a warning in the log after using the slurry spreader: Warning (../FS19_Dezeure_Bronto_Pack/td12.xml): I3D file offers '4' objects, but '3' components have been loaded!

The errorseems to be caused by an extra perspective camera of the modded TD12 injector.If you know how to work with I3D files in Giants Editor, it should be easy toremove it and the warning together with it.

I doubt thewarning will ruin your game, but having too many addons with errors or warningsmight impact the game’s performance in the end.

Where to Download

The modder has put the Dezeure Bronto pack up for download at Sharemods. Click the blue button below to get there.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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