FS19 modpresentation: The Pöttinger EuroProfi 5000 loading wagon, modded byLucas_PlayzTV. Scroll down to the bottom of this post to get thedownload info.
My firstencounter with the EuroProfi loading wagon was in Farming Simulator 2011. It islikely the same model, now converted to Farming Simulator 19. But don't worry,the FS 19 version looks really fresh, up to date.

Added Goodies
A lot hashappened to the EuroProfi self-loading wagon since the last time I used it,back in FS 17. The textures have been updated to make use of the new texturingsystem. And it has gotten hoses and cables that connect to all tractors thathave been set up to accept them.
This makesup for the fact that there aren’t many customization options. There are acouple of wheel setups to pick from. And you can add a tank to the front of thetrailer as decoration.

FS 19 Pöttinger EuroProfi5000
I'mparticularly happy that Lucas_PlayzTV has taken the time to add new texturesto the Pöttinger loading wagon. Here are some data about it:
- Brand: Pöttinger.
- Credits: 6630Power, Ebbe, MarioRoss, and Lucas_PlayzTV.
- Category: Loading Wagons.
- Base price: 80,000.
- Capacity: 35,000 liters.
- Working speed: 20 kilometers per hour | 12 miles per hour.
- Accepted: Chaff, grass, hay, straw, and silage.
- Tip options: Rolling floor, rear door.
- Selectable colors: No.
- Selectable wheels: Yes.
- Wheel brands: Trelleborg and Michelin.
- Extra rear hitch: No.
- Errors: No.
- Platforms: PC and Mac.

I didn'tfind any errors in the log, but there is an unloading bug.
Where othertrailers create a centered heap, this one puts it to the right. Just be awareof it when you are going to off-load chaff or grass for silage. Stay to theleft when driving between the walls, to avoid spillage outside the clamp.

Where to Download
Lucas_PlayzTV has picked WorkUpload as host for the Pöttinger EuroProfi 5000 self-loading wagon. When you click the blue button, the page opens.
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