Here's myshowcase of the Pöttinger Euroboss 330T loading wagon for Farming Simulator19. My first encounter with the Euroboss was in Farming Simulator 2015.It's really nice to see it in FS19.
Instructionson where and how to download it can be found at the bottom of thispresentation.

FS19 Ready
I believeGiants Software did an official introduction of the Euroboss back in FS 2015.I'm not sure if the FS19 version is a conversion or a model built from scratch.Conversion or not, it both looks and works great.
The newversion of the loading wagon follows all FS19 standards when it comes to stufflike textures and connection hoses.
Thereal-life version of the Pöttinger Euroboss is a favorite among farmers inmountain areas, due to its stability in extremely steep terrain. The Farm Simversion has a controllable tilt that raises and lowers the front of thetrailer, where the pickup is.

FS19 Pöttinger Euroboss330T
I love howmachinery from older FS games is updated and re-introduced to Farming Simulator2019. Here are more facts about this great mod:
- Brand: Pöttinger.
- Credits: Matt26.
- Category: Loading Wagons.
- Base price: 31,000.
- Capacity: 21,300 liters.
- Working speed: 20 kilometers per hour | 12 miles per hour
- Tip options: Through the rear door.
- Selectable colors: No.
- Selectable wheels: Yes, standard, wide, and narrow.
- Wheel brands: Trelleborg and Mitas.
- Platforms: PC, Mac, PS4, and XB1. Changelog -Bending Grass

(UpdatedOctober 25, 2019)There's a small, yet significant, upgrade to the Euroboss, especially if youcare about realism. The new version has foliage bending. When driving thetrailer through vegetation, you'll notice how it makes the foliage bend.
Where to Download

Being a Giants-approve mod, you can download it from the Modhub inside the game. You can also get it from the official Modhub online (click on the blue button to open the page.)
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.