Fliegl TPW Bale Trailer Set (Autoload)

By Yesmods

Dec 14 2019 - 14:18

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FarmingSimulator 19 mod: The Fliegl TPW bale trailer set, with Autoload, by TopAce888.

Here youhave the Fliegl TPW 100, Fliegl TPW 140, and Fliegl TPW 180 bale trailers witha rigid drawbar. If you’re like me, you sometimes struggle with turntabletrailers. Then, these bale transport platforms will be a welcome addition.

Not onlyare they less difficult to handle. The pack of Fliegl trailers also haveAutoload as an in-shop option.

Fliegl TPW 100

There are twoversions of it inside the shop. One for round bales, the other one for squarebales. Here are the specs:

Fliegl TPW 140

The TPW 140also has two versions for round and square bales, respectively.

Fliegl TPW 180

Thistrailer comes in four different versions. There are round and square balesoptions. There are also a couple of cotton models under the Cotton Technology category.

TPW 100, TPW 140, TPW180Features

Colors – There are color options availablefor the bed, the rims, the racks, and the Fliegl logo. There are also a coupleof color options for the trailer frame.

Wheels – You can choose to have wheels fromLizard, Trelleborg, or Michelin on your trailer.

Design – The Autoload function is abuyable option. You can add an extra rack to the rear. And the TPW 100 and TPW140 can be equipped with a rear trailer hitch so you can hook more trailers tothem.

How to use Autoload

I like theAutoload functionality a lot. It doesn’t have all the options like other solutions.The type of goods you can load with it is limited, but that’s not a big issue.Here’s how to use it:

  1. Make sure you’re picking the correcttrailer for the job – Round bales or Square bales.
  2. See the Help Menu on how to startautoloading.
  3. You can unload the trailer with amouse or a controller.

Theunloading function is pure brilliance. It makes it easy to put down the baleswith extreme precision.

FS19 Fliegl TPW BaleTrailers

There’smuch I like about the Fliegl pack. It’s excellent that Autoload is an option.The buyable extension makes it easier to load the trailer manually. And the auto-unloadingmechanism puts a smile on my face every time.

Version – Hesston BalerFix

(UpdatedJanuary 10, 2020) Now,you can download the updated version of the bale trailers. The new version addsa fix for the problem some players have experienced when trying to Autoload balesfrom the Hesston big baler.

Version – More Bales

(Updated March 13, 2020) The new version of the Fliegl autoloaders accepts the HD bales produced by the Gallignani 5690 S3 baler. It also includes an update for the German translation.

The new version also autoload bales made by the Gallignani 5690 S3 baler.

A Modhub Mod

Just open the game modhub to download the Fliegl Trailers to your system. Or visit the online download page by clicking the blue button.

Go to DownloadThis mod is an official Modhub mod. Please, do the modder a favor and only download it from the in-game hub or from its official mod page on Farming-Simulator.com.

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