Steyr Multi Series Tractor

By Yesmods

Aug 16 2019 - 15:25

Next mod



HereI'll tell you how to download the Steyr Multi series tractors for FarmingSimulator 19 (thedownload link is below.)

The SteyrMulti was part of the vanilla vehicle roster, both in FS17 and FS2015. Back inthe 2015 version of the game, it was equipped with a forestry protection cage,which makes a welcome comeback in FS19, thanks to this mod.


This iswhat I call a hybrid mod. It's a mix of old and new model objects. Partsof the cabin shows clear evidence of being older models with regards to texture.But stuff like the dashboard is up to date. It looks excellent.

There aresome animated parts too, like the windscreen wiper. But none of the throttles,or other pedals, moves as some might expect.

IC Controls

The updatedSteyr has IC (In-Cab) controls. You activate it by pressing thespacebar. When enabled, you can use IC to open the doors.

You can alsoadd or remove the forestry cage, two sets of tire chains are included asbuyable options in the shop, and you can put a chainsaw at the rear end of thetractor. No, the chainsaw doesn't work. But it looks pretty cool.

FS19 Steyr Multi

Here arethe most important facts about this FS19 mod:

Version – MoreAnimations

(UpdatedMarch 13, 2020) A newversion of the Steyr tractor is available. The latest version includesanimations of the gas pedal and the brake pedal.

The newversion also includes some minor adjustments to the model.

Both the gas and the brake pedals are animated.

How to Download

The modder uses Modhoster to host the Steyr mod. So, when you press the blue button under, you’ll be taken to the official download page.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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