Steyr 8090a Turbo SK2 Tractor

By Yesmods

Feb 18 2019 - 14:37

Next mod



The Steyr Modding Team has released the Steyr8090a Turbo SK2 FS19 mod. Are you looking for a small farm tractor that can help to with allthose day-to-day activities on yourFarming Simulator 19 farm?

Well, then you definitely should give this one a try.

It’s and older Steyr that has plenty of charm. It’s a fun ride. With only 80 horsepowers, you can’t expect it to do the heavy lifting. But for tasks that require less power, it’s perfect. When you wanna clean up after the animals, as an example.

Great Sound

It’s a nice model. It gave us some micro stutters to begin with. But this disappeared after a shorttime. 

Here are some of the things the Steyr Modding Team has done to the tractor:

If you want a tractor with soul and charisma, you should try this one.

FS19 Steyr 8090a Turbo SK2

Version 1.5.5 is Ready

(UpdateJuly 20, 2019) Alot has happened to the charming Steyr tractor since the first time we wroteabout it. And now, version 1.5.5 is ready for your mods folder (thanksfor the tip, Bjorn M.) The updated version has more wheels, more lights (twonew work LED lights), and several adjustments to the model and theprogramming.

Evenmore exciting is the addition of IC (In-Cab) controls. You can now open and close allwindows, doors, and the roof hatch by first, pressing the Spacebar, then usingthe mouse.

Version 1.5.7 - New ModelAdded

(UpdatedSeptember 24, 2019)A new model has been added to the Steyr mod. The added tractor is aSteyr 8090 SK2 with powershift transmission. It costs slightly more than theoriginal Steyr and has bigger wheels. You can customize it to have twin wheelsto the rear.

The baseversion, the Steyr 8090a Turbo SK2, has also gotten an update. You can add snowchains to the wheels. And the lights have been reworked to have abrighter shine. Changelog – Fixesand Lights

(UpdatedNovember 20, 2019) Anotherupdate for the Steyr 8090 is ready. This time, much of the update is about lights.The new version of the tractor has gotten several LED lights, rear work lightsincluded.

How to Download

All you have to do to get the Steyr into your mods folder, is to click the blue button. It'll take you to the mods official download page.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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