FS19 modspresentation: The New Holland TM Series tractors by Peppe978. Lookingfor the download guide? You'll find it further down on this page.
Oh boy,this is a beautiful tractor! The Farming Simulator 19 model surely honors the real-world NewHolland favorite it's meant to look like.

Appealing Features
I'm notsure how much of the New Holland tractor that has been built by Peppe978 (therehave been TM mods since FS 2011 - at least.) It's guaranteed the mostfeature-rich mod to date.
There aretwo color options (New Holland blue and Fiat red), and a couple of logooptions. The numbers on the logos change when you toggle between theavailable engine options.

Weight or Front Linkage
You cancustomize the front of the New Holland, for example, by adding weight toit or a front linkage (PTO included.) Note that the frontloader option disappears once you choose to add the 700-kilo weight.
The modalso has custom audio. It's a delight to listen to.

FS 19 New Holland TMSeries
I like thatseveral parts inside the cabin are animated. I particularly appreciatehow all the displays are alive. This is awesome modding! Here is someinfo:
- Brand: New Holland.
- Credits: Peppe978.
- Category: Medium Tractors.
- Base price: 94,000.
- Engine configurations: 4 – TM.120, TM.130, TM.140, and TM.155.
- Power range: 124, 131, 144, and 155 horsepower.
- Top speed: 40 kilometers per hour | 24 miles per hour.
- Selectable colors: Yes, two.
- Selectable wheels: Yes.
- Wheel brands: Trelleborg and Michelin.
- Front loader attacher: Yes, optional.
- Platforms: PC, Mac, PS4, and XB1.

How to Download
The beautiful New Holland TM tractors have been added to the official Giants modhub. You can either download it from inside the game or by visiting the official mod page (click the button.)
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.