FS 19 modspresentation: Case IH Magnum MX Series Tractors, US and Canda versions, fromKarlFarms.
That'sit! I know now Iwon't be able to enjoy FS 21 (or whatever it will be) thoroughly untilKarlFarms has made all of his FS 19 mods available for the new game. With therelease of the Case IH Magnum MX series, he has once again proved his status asone of the best makers of US styled Farming Simulator addons.

His mod isa fantastic simulator game version of the iconic Magnum series, which Case IH startedmaking in the late 1990s. The video below is how Case IH introduced the series inMay 2000.
Lights and Animations
Working inthe dark? The Magnum MX addon has cabin lights. The hand throttle and gas pedalare animated. And when you enter or leave the cab, the steering wheel tiltsbackward or forward.
You can unfoldand fold the flashers. Using a mouse or a controller opens the left door. Youcan also rotate two of the rear work lights the same way (see the F1 HelpMenu for guidance.) How cool is that!

The Mangumhas custom engine audio, as well. It sounds brilliant. It’s sweet music for allfans of red…
Wheel ConfigurationBonanza
The Case IHbeauty has a lot to offer for fans of customization. I’m particularly impressedwith the number of tire choices.
Wheel options – The Magnum MX has so many wheelsconfiguration options I doubt you’ll be able to use them all. I counted 50different setups, and it might be more. You get everything from single narrowtire to a whole lot of row crop options. And yes, floaters too.

Exterior – The customization fest doesn’tstop with the wheels. You can play around with shop options for the beaconlights, the flashers, the exhaust pipe, and the fenders.

Of course,you can add weights to the front too. The good thing about the KarlFarms weightbrackets is that each choice has a noticeable effect on the tractor’s downforce.

FS19 Case IH Magnum MX
I’m forever grateful for the impressive work of KarlFarms, bringing so many staggering US/Canadian mods to Farming Simulator 19. His Mangum MX couldn’t be better, being just as good as the best mods coming from the top European modders.

Here aresome details:
- Brand: Case IH.
- Credits: KarlFarms, with the help of Casearias Modding, Team Feg Modding, NEFG Modding, and Fernando Campos.
- Category: Medium Tractors.
- Base price: 135,000.
- Engine configurations: 4 – MX210, MX230, MX 255, and MX285.
- Power range: 200 to 287 horsepower.
- Top speed: 50 kilometers per hour | 31 miles per hour.
- Selectable colors: No.
- Selectable wheels: Oh, yes!
- Wheel brands: Michelin, Firestone, Goodyear, and Trelleborg.
- Front loader attacher: No.
- Errors: No.
- Platforms: PC and Mac.

Version – BiggerWheels
(UpdatedDecember 20, 2019) KarlFarmshas updated the Magnum MX with slightly bigger wheels, removal of the extraclutch pedal, and some other minor details. The download location is the same.

How to Download
KarlFarmshas released the Case IH Magnum MX on his Facebook page. The blue button opensthe release post for the tractor. You will get the download instructions there.
Please leave the KarlFarms Facebook page a like when you get there. Thanks.
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