(Article is updated with a suggested Courseplay fix.)
Are youready to download both the North American and the European version of the JohnDeere 9RX series tractors for Farming Simulator 19? (You'll find the download link below.)

The summerof '19 suddenly became a whole lot more fun. Finally, John Deere 9RX fromCustom Modding is here. And boy, it was definitely worth the wait :) Thisis one of the coolest, most beastly, great tractor mods we've ever driven.
Custom Modding's 9RX is very detailed (too detailed for consoles.) But still, the file size is way below 75 mb, which means the team behind has done an excellent optimization job.
EU & US Versions

It's greatof CM to think of their fans on both sides of the pond. There's a US / Canadianversion. And there’s a European version. The version changes are done in theshop.
There arethree different exhaust pipe options to choose from, two backweight options.The interior has custom animations. And the dirt textures are as close toreal-life as it gets.

Impressive track options
One of thethings that impress us the most are the tracks. There's a total of fourdifferent tracks available (36", 30", 24", and 18".)And there are three settings for the axle track width (80", 88",and 120".)

FS19 John Deere 9RX Series
Here aresome vital facts about this great FS19 mod:
- Brand: John Deere.
- Credits: Custom Modding, KMN-Modding, MJD Farms, Ghost, and BK Modding.
- Category: Large Tractors.
- Base price: 492,300.
- Engine configurations: 5 - 9420RX, 9470RX, 9520RX, 9570RX, and 9620RX.
- Power range: 462 hp, 517 hp, 572 hp, 628 hp, and 670 hp.
- Top speed: 24 mph | 43 kph.
- Selectable colors: No.
- Selectable tracks: Oh, yes.
- Errors? No, just one small warning.
The log showed a message about the game engine correcting the setting for 'maxRotation.' However, this did not affect the gameplay.
Here's a short video presentation of the JD:
Support for CM
If you would like to support the continued work of Custom Modding, you can become one of their patreons: Sign up here.
Courseplay Fix
(UpdatedAugust 19, 2019)Some players report about problems getting the tractor to work correctly withCourseplay. Thanks to Vincent, there is a fix that you could try. But I need towarn you. It involves editing the XML files, so please, make a backup ofthe mod before you try this solution.

Here’s Vincent’s suggestion:
- Unzip the FS19_CM_JD_9RX .zip file.
- Open the folder, and look for this file: 9RX.xml
- Open it in Notepad or Notepad++.
Ok. Withthe XML file open, look for this section (starts at line 592):
<ackermannSteering rotSpeed="25" rotMax="15" rotCenterWheel1="5" rotCenterWheel2="7"/>
<articulatedAxis componentJointIndex="1" anchorActor="0" rotSpeed="-25" rotMax="31" rotMin="-31" aiRevereserNode="aiReverserNode"/>
Now, replacethe values above, whit these ones:
<ackermannSteering rotSpeed="30" rotMax="15" rotCenter="0 -0.302"/>
<articulatedAxis componentJointIndex="1" anchorActor="0" rotSpeed="-30" rotMax="31" rotMin="-31" aiRevereserNode="aiReverserNode"/>
When you’re finished, zip the file back together and give it the same name as before: FS19_CM_JD_9RX.zip
This shouldwork. But, again, make a backup of the original mod first.
Version – UpdatedModel
(UpdatedJanuary 2, 2020)The magnificent 9RX model from Custom Modding got an update, just in time forChristmas. The update includes the following:
- Itnow resembles the 2019 model.
- Thereare new mirrors, new stickers, flexible hoses.
- Themodel has new lights, a new engine cover, and updated rear linkage.
Note that Ihave not tested it with Courseplay. The above fix might still be useful.

How to Download
Here's the Facebook release post for the JD 9RX. Look for the download link at the bottom of it.