John Deere 7R Series Tractors US & CDN

By Yesmods

Aug 30 2019 - 11:47

Next mod



Now, I wantto focus on the beautiful, Americanized John Deere 7R Series tractors, madeby Custom Modding, for Farming Simulator 19. You'll get the download infoat the end of this presentation.

A lot of USand Canada FS19 fans miss North American-styled machinery with the basegame. Luckily, there's Custom Modding, which has reworked many of thevanilla models to give them an authentic, American and Canadian look. Now,they've done it to the 7R Series too.

Complete Rebuilds

Somemodders slap new warning lights on tractors or harvesters and call itUS-styled. Custom Modding takes the model apart before doing a completerework of it and much of its textures. This is also the case with the 7R Seriestractors. It's fully remodeled for a more American look.

You canopen the doors with a mouse or with a controller. The warning lights outsidethe cabin can be folded. This version also has many exciting wheel setups,utilizing different wheels from Firestone, Michelin, and Goodyear.

Some of the many wheel options...


There aremany more customization options other than wheel configurations. The modded 7Rhas selectable options for both the fenders and the beacon lights. You can alsoadd numbers to each tractor, which are especially useful in large scalefarming.

Thisversion of the JD 7R Series has selectable front weights brackets available,front and rear 3-point hitches, and the cool-looking StarFire 6000 GPS unit. Itwill, eventually, have the John Deere H480 front loader too. It's beingworked on right now by the Custom Modding team.

FS19 US & CDN Version

I'm sohappy modders like the Custom Modding team keeps pouring one great mod afteranother on the community. Here are some facts about the 7R tractors they'vemade: Changelog - FrontLoader

(Updated October 24, 2019) There's a new version of the Americanized 7R waiting for you. It can now use the John Deere H480 front loader, which you can read more about here.

Where to Download

Version 2 of the JD 7R can be downloaded from the Facebook release post for the H480 front loader addon. Click the blue button to open it.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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