John Deere 7R Series Tractors

By Yesmods

Dec 12 2019 - 10:44

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FarmingSimulator 19 tractor addon: The John Deere 7R Series tractors, modified by UdruzenjeNezavisnih Modera (Jukka.)

This addonis Jukka’s version of the base game John Deere. The mod has several featuresthat sets it apart from the other modifications out there.

Jukka’s 7R Features

Colors – There are more colors than thestandard John Deere green available. You can paint your JD black, orange, or theolder JD green colors. There are also colorization options for the rims and thetop air inlet on the hood/bonnet.

Silver options – Some of the engine options changethe logo from JD yellow to silver.

Wheels – You have a lot of wheel optionsat your disposal. Anything from narrow wheels to wide duals all the way.

Design – You have much customization freedomregarding flags, fenders, and warning signs. You can also add a StarFire unitto the roof, an Alö front loader console, one Samson terminal, and orangestrobe lights to your tractor.

IC Controls

Jukka’sJohn Deere 7R has IC (In Cab) controls. You activate it by pressing thespacebar. When engaged, you can open the left door and the rear window with it.

Jukka has asmart solution for avoiding conflicts with Courseplay. The IC controls areselectable. If you want them, you have to buy them in the shop. The option to notinstall it should help with the Coruseplay problems.

FS 19 John Deere 7R

The JD 7Ris another great mod from Jukka. Yes, there are several similar versions outthere. But I can’t remember any of them having the older JD colors or strobe lightsas options.

Where to Download

Jukka has chosen to host the John Deere at Sharemods. Click the blue button to open the download page.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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