Fendt 900 Vario TMS Series Tractors (IC Controls)

By Yesmods

Jan 04 2020 - 10:28

Next mod



FarmingSimulator 19 mod: The Fendt 900 Vario TMS Series tractors, modified by 7810and Syndicate.

It’s almostimpossible to say which model this addon stems from, but the fact is that therehave been 900 Vario TMS tractors in the Farming Simulator games since FS 2011.It won’t come as a surprise if this FS19 mod is a conversion of a conversion,of a conversion…

Regardless, it’s one of the best versions ofthe iconic Fendt tractor I’ve driven to date. Oh, what TMS is short for?Nothing more complicated than Tractor Management System

900 Vario TMS Mod Features

Colors – You can paint your Fendt in manycolors, like black, orange, or red. There are also some color choices for therims, including a couple of metallic options.

Wheels – The Trelleborg brand offers themost options, like twin rear wheels or duals all the way around. There are alsostandard and wide wheel sizes available from Michelin and Mitas.

DesignOptions – You can haveyour tractor with or without beacon lights, warning signs. You can put a MANsticker to the front window. There’s also an in-shop alternative for wider rearfenders.

IC Controls

Thisversion of the Vario TMS has IC (In-Cab) controls. You activate them bypressing the spacebar. When enabled, you can open and close doors and windows.If you equip your tractor with beacon lights, warning signs, or both, you canuse the controls to unfold and fold them.

Just beaware that the IC controls script for Farming Simulator 19 has some hiccupswhen paired with the current version of Courseplay.

FS19 Fendt 900 Vario TMS Series Specs

This is notthe first Vario TMS mod for Farming Simulator 19. But it’s the mostfeature-rich version I’ve tried so far, thanks to the added IC controls. It’salso one of the best-optimized variants with regards to in-game performance.

Where to Download

This version of the 900 Vario TMS tractors is hosted at Sharemods. The blue button opens the download page.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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