FS 19 modspresentation: The Case IH Quadtrac tractors, including localized versionsfor North America and Europe.
Thanks to SteenkampModding, it no longer matters whether you’re a fan of US and Candian, or European,agricultural equipment. This Quadtrac addon brings the best of both worlds toFarming Simulator 19.

Quadtrac and Steiger
You might have noticed that Case IH uses both Quadtrac and Steiger for its biggest tractors? The Steiger name originates from the Steiger tractor company, founded by John Steiger in 1957. Tenneco, which used to be the parent company of Case International, bought Steiger in the 1980s.
Today, whenI write this, the Steiger name is used differently, depending on where in theworld you are:
- North America– All articulated models are branded as Steigers. It doesn’t matter if thetractors have wheels or tracks.
- Elsewhere –Does it have wheels? Then it’s a Steiger. Tracks? That’s a Quadtrac.

The In-Shop Options
There areseveral things you can change about the tractor’s appearance, other than engineoptions. There are the EU or US configurations options.
- US/CAN – Hasa red and orange warning triangle on the rear side of the cabin. It also has regionallycorrect flashers.
- EU – This versionhas the required red and white warning signs to the front and the rear. It alsouses the base version blinkers.
Other thanthat, you can change the width of the tracks. There’s also an option to add alinkage unit to the back of the tractor.

FS 19 Case IH Quadtrac US &EU
Once again,I would like to express my thanks to Steenkamp Modding for creating FS 19 addonsthat works in most regions. When I play on American maps, I like to useequipment that looks American. When using European maps, I want European equipment.Steenkamp Modding makes it easier.
Here aresome details:

- Brand: Case IH.
- Credits: Giants Software, Steenkamp Modding.
- Category: Large Tractors.
- Base price: 475,750.
- Engine configurations: 5 – Quadtrac 470 to Quadtrac 620.
- Power range: 525 to 692 horsepower.
- Top speed: 40 kilometers per hour | 25 miles per hour.
- Selectable colors: No.
- Selectable track width: Yes.
- Errors: No.
- Platforms: PC, Mac, XB1, and PS4.

Version – Small Adjustments
(UpdatedNovember 21, 2019)The Quadtracs had an update today. The price for the EU version is now lowerthan it used to be.
Version – 20th Anniversary Edition
(Updated May 19, 2020) Steenkamp Modding has updated the Quadtrac. Here are the changes:
- There are now two 20th anniversary versions available in the shop (matte and glossy.)
- The tracks follow the contour of the ground.
- You can fasten the tractor with straps on a trailer.

Where to Download
Getting the Quadtracs from the Modhub inside the game is the most convenient option. You can also take a look at its official mod page. The blue button gets you to it.
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.