Case IH Magnum Autonomous Concept Tractor

By Yesmods

Jan 24 2020 - 12:46

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FarmingSimulator 19 mod presentation: The Case IH Magnum autonomous concept tractor,created by SimulagriModding.

Back in2016, CNH Industrial presented the Case IH autonomous concept tractor. Now, ithas found its way into FS 19.

Yes, sometractors can already work the fields by themselves, thanks to advanced GPS technology.Case’s concept tractor takes things further. It offers a glimpse of what the futureof farming might be, where driverless vehicles are controlled by apps, reducingworkforce costs.

Here’s CNH’s presentation video of the concept:

How to Use the AutonomousCase IH

Yes, youcan enter the tractor and drive it like normal, but there is (obviously)not a cab, nor visible pedals or a steering wheel.

It works with AI workers (of course.) And for PC and Mac players, it’s an exciting vehicle to use with most of the Courseplay work modes.

The Future is Here

Actually, come to think of it, the combination of Courseplay and this tractor is a perfect demonstration of what farming might look like a few years from now.

And whoknows, maybe playing Farming Simulator today is the perfect training for futurejobs as farming vehicle operators…

FS19 Case IH MagnumAutonomous Mod Specs

Like it ornot, future farming will include a lot of automation, whether it’s automated feeding,crop spraying drones, or self-driving tractors. For example, most significanttractor brands have presented their visions for autonomous vehicles where there’sno need for drivers.

It’s reallycool that the future already is available for Farming Simulator 19 players, especiallywhen the mod looks and behaves so well. Kudos to SimulagriModding. The modeling andtexturing are superb.

How to Download

You can get the autonomous Case IH Magnum from the modhub inside the game. PC and Mac players can also download it from The blue button takes you to that download page.

Go to DownloadThis mod is an official Modhub mod. Please, do the modder a favor and only download it from the in-game hub or from its official mod page on

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