Case IH Magnum (180 - 340, 2011) Small Frame Tractors 1.0

By Yesmods

Aug 14 2019 - 07:37

Next mod



Here'show you can download the Case IH Magnum small frame tractors for FarmingSimulator 19? (You'llfind the download link below.)

This is anolder model of the Case IH Magnum series tractors, styled to look likesomething you would see on farms in USA and Canada. A lot of work has gone intomaking this mod for Farming Simulator 19. And the effort shows. It's a greatlooking, well-functioning mod.

Lots of Remodeling

Thisversion of the Case IH Magnum has had most of its parts remodeled andretextured. Stuff like the hood, chassis, interior, fenders, and part ofthe roof have received model upgrades from NEFG Modding. Also, most of thescripts have been reprogrammed to make it work at its best in FS19.

Many Options

I'm stunnedby the many configuration options. For example, you have tons of wheeloptions, like singles, wide singles, and duals - with or without weights.

Whentalking about weights. You can configure the front weights too. There are 6different settings, stretching from no front weights to very heavy...

And engineoptions? 12 in total!

Front Loader Options

Most largeFS19 tractors won't let you use front loaders. This one is an exception.The Magnum is one of the very few large tractors that have a front loadermount.

It works best with the Hauer and Alö pack (that you can download here.)

FS19 US Case IH Magnum2011

Here aresome vital facts about this tremendous FS19 mod:


The Case IHMagnum mod is almost error-free. But we noticed a couple of bugs in the log.The first one is related to duplicate specialization records:

Error: Specialization 'bunkerSiloCompacter' already exists for vehicle type 'FS19_CaseIH_Magnum_2011.Magnum'!

Theother one is this one:

Error: Can't load resource '../mods/FS19_CaseIH_Magnum_2011/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua'.

But... None of the errors caused notablyharm to the gameplay. The Magnum worked as expected in every test we performed.

How to Download

To get this version of the Magnum, you just have to press the blue button. It opens the modder’s chosen mod hosting page.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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