Case IH Patriot 4440 Self-Propelled Sprayer

By Yesmods

Mar 05 2020 - 10:17

Next mod



FarmingSimulator 19 mod showcase: The Case IH Patriot 4440 sprayer from KarlFarms.

This is thesprayer that Lindbejb Modding and Rafazr (Custom Modding) made forFarming Simulator 2015. It has since resurfaced a couple of times in FS19, butit’s this version from KarlFarms that you want. It has a lot of fixes andadditions compared to the other variants.

Patriot 4440 In-GameFeatures

KarlFarms’version of the Case IH sprayer has boom nozzle lights and an added tank optionof 6,000 liters.

It alsoincludes another option for the boom, a 40-meter-wide variant (132 feet.)A lot of work has gone into updating the textures and giving the model propershadows in the game.

Inside theshop, you’ll notice the vast amount of wheel options from both Trelleborg andMichelin. It’s possible to have rear duals or all-wheel duals, for example.

KarlFarms has added nozzle lights to the sprayer.


KarlFarmshas added a lot of animation goodies to the Patriot sprayer. You can lift andlower the sprayer body and the booms. You can also do the same to both boomsseparately.

And yes,there’s and option for adjusting the the axle width.

Inside the cockpit,you’ll see a lot of animations, as well. Both the hand throttle and the pedals movewith acceleration and deceleration, for example. Several of the monitors cometo life when you start the spreader. And the wiper works too (on the outsideof the cab, of course.)

You can adjust the axle's width.

Case IH Patriot 4440 FS19 ModSpecs

Once again,KarlFarms manages to deliver a fantastic mod. I’m especially impressed with allthe added animations, both the ones you control and the ones you don’t. It’salso very cool to have different boom options in the shop.

Just beaware that the sprayer is very detailed. It might cause some stuttering onlower specced computers.

Where to Download

KarlFarms has released the Case IH Patriot sprayer via a Facebook post. I’ve embedded it. Just look for the download link at the end of the post (you might have to click …See More.)
We always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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