Placeable Bale Storage Sheds

By Yesmods

Jan 21 2020 - 14:26

Next mod



FarmingSimulator 19 mod showcase: The placeable bale storage sheds created by GtX.

Stackingbales in a shed manually can be kind of therapeutic. But when you don’t have thetime, or if you don’t share my passion for bale stacking, these storage shedsare a godsend.

Bale Storage Sheds In-GameFeatures

When youdownload this mod, you’ll get a total of eight sheds, one shed for each baletype. Inside them, you can store straw bales, hay bales, grass bales, andsilage bales, round or square.

The shedsare easy to use. First, transport your bales to the front of them. From there,the bales will be picked up and stored automatically.

When youneed some bales, stand close to the shed, then press “R(see the HelpMenu for which button to press on consoles.) This action opens the balespawn menu.

Just enterthe number of bales that you need from the shed. When ready, the bales spawnwithin the outside markers.

Support for the Seasons Mod

GtX hasmade sure that his sheds work with Seasons. Silage bales will ferment even whenthey are inside the shed.

You’ll getan overview of the number of fermenting bales and their fermenting states inthe menu. And yes, there will be snow on the rooftops in the Winter…

FS19 Placeable BaleStorage Sheds Mod Specs

I’m a hugefan of all the innovative mods made by GtX. The bale shed is another example ofhow brilliant a modder he is.

I haven’ttested it, but I’m pretty sure the sheds help maintaining a healthy FPS, aswell. Storing more than 400 bales the traditional way would generally create alag fest with many graphic cards…

Where to Download

You’ll find the bale storage sheds inside the game modhub. You can also visit the official mod page by pressing the blue button.

Go to Download

Want a bale storage with a more rustic look? No problem. GtX has also made two placeable bale storage barns that work the same way as the sheds. There a couple of differences, though.

The barns don’thave room for grass bales. And all types of square bales use the same building.This is also the case for the different types of round bales, which rest insidethe same storage.

These storage barns are also inside the modhub and on the official download page. Click the blue button to open it.

Go to DownloadThis mod is an official Modhub mod. Please, do the modder a favor and only download it from the in-game hub or from its official mod page on

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