Placeable GSI Grain Complex & Corn Dryer (Globalcompany)

By Yesmods

Feb 17 2020 - 12:05

Next mod



FarmingSimulator 19 mod showcase: The placeable GSI grain complex and corn dryer, modifiedby JS Mapping.

Here youhave a fantastic looking grain storage for your farm. And valuable, as well,thanks to the included corn dryer. It will make the corn harvest pay more.

Thelegendary modder killerrf has made most of the models. Now, JS Mapping has donea terrific job putting the pieces together, making it a placeable object foryour farm.

Needs Globalcompany

You need tohave the latest Modhub-version of the Globalcompany (GC) scriptinstalled (clickhere to get it or install it from the in-game modhub.) The corn dryingprocess needs it. It also adds dry corn as a sellable commodity to the selling points.

You need Globalcompanyfor buying propane too. The propane helps dry the corn. To buy it, open theGC menu and buy it from there.

Open the Globalcompany menu (Left Ctrl + G) to purchase propan.

Make More with Dry Corn

When youhave installed the GSI grain complex, it’s easy to use. Here’s the process:

  1. Buy propane for the dryer from theGlobalcompany menu.
  2. Fill the silos with corn.
  3. Wait… (the dryer will create10,000 liters of dry corn per hour.)
  4. Sell the dry corn and laugh all theway to the bank.
I got paid 32% more for dry corn, compareds to regular corn.

Flexible Grain Storage

It’s notonly corn that you can store inside the GSI complex. You can fill the siloswith other goods, as well, like wheat, barley, and soybeans. The capacity is720,000 liters of each.

But it’sonly corn that makes use of the dryer, giving you better prices for it.

FS19 GSI Grain Complex& Corn Dryer

This mod isan impressive creation by JS Mapping. I’m pleased that he has taken the time toincorporate Globalcompany and its grain drying function into it.

In-Game Performance

I did not get any errors from the GSI grain complex. But you should know that the models are very detailed. Those details might create lag or micro stutter on some computers.

(Updated February 18, 2020) The silos has collisions now. Great!

The mod has been updated to prevent this.

How to Download

JS Mapping has generously shared the GSI silos and the dryer on his Facebook page. I’ve embedded the release post below. Look for the download link at the end of it.
We always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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