Placeable Vehicle Shed (with Workshop) 1.0.0

By Yesmods

Aug 16 2019 - 09:09

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I'llguide you to the official download page for the Vehicle Shed with Workshop modfor Farming Simulator 19. (You'll find the download link below.)

This is avehicle shed with a customization and repair trigger on the inside. It'sperhaps not much to look at from the outside. But it's on the inside where themagic happens...

Workshop Lift

The mostgenius thing about this placeable shed is the workshop lift. And yes -It works! I had a blast hoisting and lowering my tractors.

Anothergreat thing is the doors, both on the front and the back of the building. Theymake it easy to drive through the shed. No reversing needed...

Bumpy Entrance

The onlything that I didn't like is the elevation of the building itself. Thefloor is not level with the ground, creating a significant bump when you enterthe building with your vehicles.

It's almostlike the modder has forgotten to lower the building before publishing the mod...

Don't Keep Me Hangin'

Oh, and ifyou drive your vehicle far onto the ramps, it might start hanging in thin airwhen you lower the lift. If this happens to you, just get in the vehicle andback it up a notch. That will get your vehicle back on the ground. Forcefullyyet effectively...

FS19 Vehicle Shedw/Workshop

Here isthe most of what you should know about this FS19 mod:

Where to Download

This mod is officially hosted over at Modhoster. The blue button below takes you there.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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