Portable LSFM Repair Toolbox

By Yesmods

Apr 10 2019 - 08:24

Next mod



Here's the Portable LSFM Repair Toolbox forFarming Simulator 19.It's literally a small FS 19 mod. But it's very handy (also literally.)The name says it all. Just bring the toolbox close to a vehicle you want torepair or customize. When you're close enough, the mod lets you open the Repairand Customize dialog box.

Justremember that you have to place the repair box on the map first (like a placeable object.) After that,you can put it on the bed on your truck, for example.

Some Quick Facts

You mighthave to get used to carrying the box around. CarryingFS19 stuff, in general, feels a bit wonky. Thetoolbox is no exception.

And itseems the repair/customize function only work when the box stands up straight.If you tip it over, you need to fix that first before you can fix your vehicle. Besides that, it's a brilliant mod.

How to Download

The buttonbelow takes you to Farmer Andy, andIfko[nator]'s website, filled with greatFS mods. You need to register to downloadthe mod But we promise it's worth it.

So, a) register first, and then b) download the mod.

Go to Download 246KBWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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