Placeable Wind Turbines (Large and Small)

By Yesmods

Oct 08 2019 - 13:27

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FarmingSimulator 19 mod showcase: Two placeable wind turbines (large and small),modded by FSven. The download info is located further down.

Want tomake money on renewable energy in Farming Simulator 19? Then these twosets of wind turbines are something to consider. And before you ask...Yes, many real-life farmers rent out land to wind energy companies and theirturbines.

Themoney-making wind turbines come in two versions:

Enercon Wind Turbine

Close up of the Enercon wind turbine

Wind Turbine Large

Close up of the large wind turbine

Bothobjects are placeable. They cost the same. And they make the same amount ofmoney per hour. In fact, the only differences I’ve been able to discover arehow each turbine and tower look.

Asynchronous Rotation

A demonstration of the asynchronous rotation when several wind turbines are placed close

There are8 different versions of the same wind turbine. There's a good reason forthat. Each turbine version has a different starting point for therotation of the rotors. The results are different, thus more realistic,rotation patterns when adding more than one turbine to your map.

Placingeach turbine is straightforward. But if you still have problems putting thetower on the ground, you can always apply the "Place Anywhere"function inside the GlobalCompany mod.

FS 19 Placeable WindTurbines

Asmentioned already, a lot of farmers make money on wind (and solar) powerin the real-world. These great mods let you do the same in Farming Simulator19. Here's what I believe you want to know about them:

No afraid of heights...

About the Error

It seemsthere is a small coding error with the Enercon version. It creates some errorsin the log, like this:

Error: Failed to open xml file '../mods/FS19_Vestas_Windturbine_V5/shaders/emissiveLightsShader.xml'.

Theseerrors alone won't ruin your game. But one error is one too many…

The flashing lights are a nice touch...

Where to Download

FSven has made the mods available for download at The first button takes you to the download page for the Enercon wind turbine.

Go to Download

The second button opens the download page of the other (large) wind turbine mod.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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