Are youready to download the placeable Modular BGA (Biogas) Pack for Farming Simulator19? (You'll findthe download link below.)

Thisfantastic mod lets you design and construct your own BGA plant. The mostimpressive thing about this pack is all the different modules you can choosefrom.
Thereare about 40 objects in the pack, both functional stuff, and decorations.
Kastor (the modder) has made a document showcasing each module. It's in German, but you'll probably understand most of it (read it here.)
Here isjust a taste of what you get:
1. Several types ofunloading bunkers.

2. Silage clamps invarious shapes and sizes.

3a. One compact BGA...

3b ... where you canunload trailers inside the building.

4. Various types of compactors...

5. ... and Gas storagetanks.

6. There are also twodifferent slurry and digestate storages.

7. Of course, there is acontrol house...

8. ... with a matchinginterior (decoration only.)

Required Modules
The pack ismade up of two groups of objects. There are the actual BGA productionmodules that need to be purchased and placed for the BGA process to work,like unloading bunkers. Some of these accept a wide variety of stuff, whileothers accept only the basics.
Some ofthem also let you add bales to the mix.
Then,there are optional modules. You don't have to buy them, but then you'll miss out on extra income. Mostof the additional modules earns a varying amount of money, depending on whichdifficulty level you play on.
3 Prebuilt BGAs

The modularBGA pack adds massive freedom to the Farming Simulator 19 biogas system. Still,if you don't want to spend time building the plant yourself, there are threeready-made facilities to choose from as well.
A-List Mod
A bigthanks to Kastor.He keeps pouring one great mod after another on the Farming Simulatorcommunity. This is probably his most excellent mod yet. I'm so impressedwith the build quality and the monumental amount of diversity and designfreedom you get with this mod.

FS19 Placeable Modular BGA
Here aresome vital facts about this stunning FS19mod:
- Mod Name: Modular BGA Pack.
- Modder: Kastor, LS Modcompany.
- Category: Placeables | Silos, and Placeables | Miscellaneous.
- Base price: From 60,000 to 2,880,000 (complete BGA system.)
- Capacity: Various (unloading bunkers from 30,000 to 120,000 liters.)
- Errors? None that we could find, although the tipping trigger for the container bunker seems a bit off...
Version - WinterCan Come
(Update July 30, 2019) The impressive BGA build by Kastor has been updated, first and foremost with snowmasks that makes the objects look better with Seasons 19. But there have been other changes too:
- Someof the objects' collisions have been improved.
- Theprogramming has gotten an overhaul.

Version – CallStack Fix
(UpdatedMarch 17, 2020) Thelatest version of Kastor’s modular BGA fixes the LUA errors some players get whenusing the mod together with Seasons. These used to be the affected objects:
- TheContainerBGA and its addition.
- TheCompact BGA.
- Andthe control house.
If you’realready using the older version of the BGA, start your game and sell allobjects before installing the update.

How to Download
To get this version of the BGA construction pack, you just have to press the blue button. It opens the modder’s mod hosting page on
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.