Placeable Jenz GlobalCompany Woodchipper 2.0

By Yesmods

Sep 18 2019 - 12:41

Next mod



FS19 modspresentation: The Placeable Jenz GlobalCompany Woodchipper by Stevie. Thedownload instructions are located at the bottom of this showcase.

The placeablewoodchipper is an excellent solution when you want a fixed alternativeto the trailed versions provided by Giants. Stevie made this mod for his ownmaps back in FS17. Now, he has converted it and made it into a standalone,placeable edition.


Theplaceable Jenz chipper needs GlobalCompany (GC) to work. But you can'tbuy the ingredients from inside the GC menu, which you can do with other GCobject mods. With this one, it's all about hard work.

You need totransport both logs and fuel to the woodchipper. The log trigger is locatednext to the deco logs. The fuel filling trigger is on the backside of thewoodchips tank.

About Fuel

I tried different fuel trailers to fill up the woodchipper. Some didn't work. Others did. One that did work without problems was Stevie's own version of the Kotte semi-trailer. You can download it from this link. Once it's in your mods folder (and activated), you'll find it in the "Animals" category inside the shop.

FS Placeable Jenz GCWoodchipper

It’sanother useful mod by Stevie. Here's what you should know about it:

Small Warning

There was a small warning in the log after using the woodchipper, related to a couple of the trigger collisions. It's nothing major. And Stevie is looking into it.

(Updated September 18, 2019) The warning mentioned above, has been fixed. Of you're using version 1.0, please update.

Where to Download

Stevie releases his mods on his Facebook page. Click the blue button below to open the release post for the woodchipper. And please leave a Like before downloading.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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