Placeable Sawmill Pack (Global Company)

By Yesmods

Feb 25 2020 - 10:48

Next mod



Farming Simulator 19 mod demonstration: The Placeable GlobalCompany Sawmill Pack, created by Kastor.

I dare tosay that this is the best sawmill addon in the history of Farming Simulatorgames. It’s hugely satisfying, both to place and to use.

This iswhat you get when you install and start using this mod:

  1. The sawmill, which is necessary forthe other production facilities to work.
  2. A beam wrapping plant – Here, thebeams from the sawmill gets wrapped.
  3. Pallet production – The boardpallets go here to become more pallets.
  4. The power plant – This one turnswoodchips and bark mulch into electricity.
  5. A wood storage rack – You can addlogs to it or buy wood from it.
  6. And finally, a selling point whereyou can sell beams, wrapped beams, and pallets.

The onlythings you need to add yourself, are fuel for the power plant and logsif you don’t want to buy them from the wood storage.

Now, let’sconnect the dots. We’ll start with the wood storage rack.

The Wood Storage

Yes, you can buy logs from the wood storage. But they are extremely expensive...

This placeablestorage rack is more complicated than it looks. I’ll come to that. You can add logsthat you’ve cut in the woods to it, in all shapes and sizes. Once you’re closeenough, the rack “grabs” the logs automatically and turns them into new logs,12 meters long.

Because GlobalCompanycontrols the rack, it will produce slightly different looking logs that you canhandle with a front loader, for example. Once a log reaches 8,000 liters, it’sfinished and ready to be fed to the sawmill.

Yes, youcan buy wood from the wood storage, but it’s costly…

Note: Itsays “Wood Chips” in the output section, but it is still a manageable log.

The Sawmill

This is the sawmill, where the magic happens. It produces everything you need.

The sawmillis the heart of this mod. Feed it with wood, and you get several products inreturn. Here they are:

You canfeed the sawmill with finished logs from the wood storage rack. It’s alsopossible to add logs directly to it, bypassing the wood storage.

The woodbeams and board pallets spawn outside the sawmill.

You can use the board pallets to create more pallets...

You’llfind heaps of woodchips and bark mulch within the outside bunkers.

You can make money with both woodchips and bark mulch.

The Beam Wrapper

The beam wrapper produces valuable packs of wooden beams.

You can addthe wooden beams from the sawmill to the beam wrapper. It stacks several beamstogether before wrapping them. The process takes quite a time, but it is worthit. You get paid a nice penny for each wrap you sell.

The Pallet Production

This factory makes pallet stacks ready to be sold.

This iswhere you add the board pallets. The factory turns the boards into (yup, youguessed it…) new pallets. Again, it will take some time for the factory tomake a finished stack of pallets.

Once it’sready, you can sell the stacks at the selling point.

The Wood Power Plant

The power plant lets you earn money from the sawmill's byproducts (woodchips and bark mulch.)

The sawmillproduces both woodchips and bark mulch. You can load both byproducts into thereceiving bunker outside the power plant. It will make electricity out of it,which makes you more money.

Note: Youneed to add fuel to the power plant to make it work.

The Selling Point


The last,but still critical, piece of the puzzle. The selling point is where you sellthe pallets and the wrapped beams. You can sell individual beams and boardpallets too. Here are a couple of examples of what I got for my products (onNormal Economic Difficulty):

FS19 Placeable SawmillPack Mod Specs

Kastor has,once again, proven himself as a marvelous modder for the Farming Simulatorgames. His pack of sawmill objects is one of his best achievements so far;especially all the animations impress the heck out of me.

It’s a fantastic mod for everyone that does a fair bit of logging in Farming Simulator 19. It might even make people want to do logging because of it. You owe it to yourself to, at least, check out the animations inside the different buildings. They are oddly satisfying…

Zen from pallets...

It’s also super for everyone who enjoys driving big wheel loaders…

Version – Fixes,More Selling Options

(Updated March 16, 2020) Kastor has just released the first update of the magnificent sawmill addon (thanks for the heads up, Floowy.) Here are some of the changes and fixes:

You can read the full changelog here. And yes, Kastor is working on a solution for autoloading trailers…

You can sell most products at woochips selling points, and the empty pallets where you usually sell wool.

Where to Download

First, visit Kastor’s original release post for the sawmill (click the blue button.) Then, look for the download link at the end of it.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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