FarmingSimulator addon presentation: The placeable organic pigsty by Stf_modding.
This is agreat, placeable, animal pen mod for pig breeding. The main building is basedon the stunning looking sheep barn, made by power74de for Farming Simulator 19.It has gotten a visual upgrade, looking better than ever.

Farrowing Room Included
Both theinterior and the exterior has gotten considerable upgrades. Several objects havebeen added, like fences, cattle grids, and feeding troughs.
A farrowing house (withheat lamps) is installed.

The storage shelf insidethe building.

It works with the AnimalPen Extension.

Cattle grids keep the pigsin the pen.

Automatic Doors
The mainbuilding has lights, both on the inside and the outside. The indoor lights canbe turned on or off with a light switch. The outside lights turn onautomatically when night falls.
The maindoors automatically open when you approach them in a vehicle.

Cleaning out Manure
One of thethings I like the most about this pigsty is that food spillage has beenreplaced by manure. This means that you have to use a bucket to clean out themanure from inside the main building. There's a manure bunker on the outsidewhere you can collect the droppings. A skid steer loader is perfect for thistask.

The inside gates can beopened for easy access.

Anothercool feature is the disinfection pit on the outside of one of the doors. Whenyou drive a vehicle onto it, an animation that simulates the sanitization ofthe vehicle starts automatically.

FS 19 Organic Pigsty
I like thispigsty mod a lot. It has many details that make breeding pigs in FarmingSimulator 19 feel more realistic. My only tiny complaint is about the filesize. I believe the mod could have been optimized further. Here are moredetails about it:
- Original Mod Name: Organic Pigsty Placeable.
- Credits: Stf_modding.
- Category: Animal Pens.
- Base price: 255,890.
- Capacity: 300 pigs.
- Predefined ground: Various.
- Errors: No.
- Platforms: PC and Mac.

How to Download
Stf_moddinghas made the mod available for download at (Please use theoriginal link if you're going to share it.) Note that you need to unzipthe file first. Then, copy the actual mod file (from inside the unpackedfolder) to your mods folder.
Click the blue button to get to the download page.
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