FarmingSimulator 19 mod map presentation: The Welker Farms Map by Mappers Paradise.The download information can be found at the bottom of this post.
This wasone of the most popular maps for Farming Simulator 17. Now, it's already a hitwith FS 19 fans, with a score of 4.3 out of 5 last time I checked.

YouTube Farming Stars
The Welker Farms map is based on the actual Welker Farms in Montana, USA. The farm is run by Bob Welker, together with his sons Nick and Scott. Besides doing farm stuff, the farm also operates one of the most popular farming channels on YouTube, with almost 300,000 subscribers and more than 40 million video views so far.
Part of thereason for the Welker Farms' rise to the stars has to do with the Big Budtractors. The Welker family is operating no less than 3 Big Buds.

The Map
The FarmingSimulator 19 version of the Welker Farms map is a worker's map. It's all aboutthe fields, which occupies almost all the available space. Most of them arelarge and square. But there are some fields to break the monotony, posing quitea challenge if you're going to work them manually without too many overlaps.

No Animals at Start
Stayingtrue to the real-world Welker Farms, there are no animal pens on the map whenyou enter it for the first time. Want animals? Just buy some placeable pens anduse the in-game landscaping tools.
The mapincludes several custom-made placeable objects. There are plenty of sheds,houses, and silo complexes made especially for the map.

Yes, the Liftmaster insidethe shop works...

... Butthere's a reason there's a sign in front of it that says "Don't Break theRoof"... Besides, it's kinda tricky to get vehicles onto the ramps.
In case you're wonderingwho's living here...

There's one, designatedarea for Placeable Objects.


Fields of gold

FS 19 Welker Farms Map
Mappers Paradise has managed to create a beautiful map that oozes atmosphere. It honors the real-life farm. And many of the custom-built objects included with the map looks stunning. Here are some of the details:
- Map Name: Welker Farms Map.
- Credits: Mappers Paradise.
- Map size: Standard.
- Number of fields: 23 fields.
- Number of buyable farmlands: 35 farmlands.
- Selling points: 6 selling points.
- Additional crops: No.
- Prepared for Seasons 19: Yes.
- Errors: No.
- Platforms: PC, Mac, XB1, and PS4.
Version - BugsFixed
The firstFarming Sim 19 release of the Welker Farms had some issues. But now, all thebugs are fixed. The map is also updated to work with the 1.1 version of Seasons19. And there have been some adjustments to the main farm layout.

Montana Geo
Are you using Seasons 19 together with the map? If you don't know it already, there's a GEO mod for Seasons that fits the map perfectly. Click here to read more about the Montana GEO mod.
You should also download both the Big Bud tractors from the modhub (here and here) before you start your game. They are part of the starting machinery. Fixes - NewHorizons
(UpdatedNovember 8, 2019) TheWelker Farms map now includes some fixes for version Yes, this updaterequires you to make a new gamesave. Here’s what has changed:
- Themain farm layout is tweaked.
- Now,the map should play nice with Seasons 19 1.1, as well.
Perhaps,the most visible change is the removal of the distant mountains. Instead, thereis now a map border made up of trees around all of the map.

How to Download
The FS19 Welker Farms map is available on all platforms through the official modhub, either in-game or online (click the blue button to open the mod page.)
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.