Let usshow you the best place to download the Fenton Forest 4x map for FarmingSimulator 19. Thedownload instructions are at the bottom of this post if you're in a hurry.
If you'rejust going to play one 4x map this year, you can't go wrong with this one. Ithas everything you would expect from an excellent FS19 mod map. Various fields sizes(from manageable to insanely huge), a spacious farmyard ready for lots ofplaceable objects, and, of course, a vast forest that will keep you occupiedfor hours.
And yeah,the map has been prepared for Seasons 19.

The Soul of Felsbrunn
It's thevanilla Felsbrunn map that makes the foundation for the Fenton Forest 4x map.But don't you for one second think that this is just another edit. This is a completerebuild where you'll only recognize a fraction of the original map.

Custom Placeables
One of themany things I like about Stevie's map is all the custom made, placeable objects.Sure, you can download other production mods. But why would you, when Steviealready has made own versions, that suits the map perfectly.
You'll findall the included objects within the different Placeables categories.
Having saidthat, Fenton Forest 4x has lots of space for placeables. Things like theGlobalCompany mods will work great here.

First Class Mapping
Every timeI want to make sure that I get a high quality, fun, and exciting farmingsimulator map, I turn to Stevie. Stevie has been making maps since the earlydays of Farming Simulator 2015. I've never been let down by his creations.
The mapsare all first-class, with great layouts and tons of stuff to do. The FentonForest 4x map is no exception.

FS19 Fenton Forest 4x
Here aresome of the most critical points about this map:
- Map Name: Fenton Forest 4x.
- Modder: Stevie.
- Map size:XL (4x)
- Number of fields: 42.
- Number of buyable farmlands: 50.
- Selling points:21.
- Seasons 19 ready: Yes.
- Errors: Nothingto report.

Unpack First
You need tounzip the mods file first. Open the extracted folder and copy theFS19_FentonForest4XByStevie.zip file to your mods folder. Notice the file thatsays Fenton4x.rtf? That's your handy guide to the new map updates (wish moremappers would do like Stevie.) It contains useful information about themap, making it easier to enjoy it fully.
Donate to Stevie
The Fenton Forest XL map is free, like most other Farming Simulator 19 mods. But if you want to show Stevie some gratitude, you're more than welcome to donate to his work. Here's the donation link: PayPal.me/StevieFSMods.

Version 6.0 - CustomSeasons Textures
(UpdatedAugust 25, 2019) Lookingfor a map where almost everything looks as it should during the 4 seasons?Well, then you should download Fenton Forest 6.0. Stevie has made many customfoliage textures for his map that change as the year goes by.
The map now also supports the Animal Pen Extension mod. The store prices have been fixed, poplar trees have been removed, and several other small adjustments have been made too.
Yes, thisversion requires a new gamesave.

Version 7.0 - Custom GCObjects
(UpdatedOctober 4, 2019)Another, excellent update of the Fenton Forest 4x map has just beenreleased. You might need to start a new gamesave. Alternatively, youcould try selling the digester silo at the main farm when you're using the 6.0version of the map. Then save the game, quit, and remove the old map file. Now,copy the new version (7.0) to your mods folder, fire up the existinggamesave, and check for errors.
Much aboutthis update is about the custom-built GlobalCompany objects Stevie hascreated, especially for his map. All objects are grouped together in a separatemod pack. (You need to have GlobalCompany installed and activated, of course.)Here’s a short presentation of each of the objects:
Placeable woodchipper

The woodchipperneeds fuel and logs to start producing wood chips.
Are youalready using the old version? Sell it while the old version of the map is loaded. Then save, quit,and try the 7.0 version of the map, which includes the new woodchipper.
A Placeable Compost Plant

The 7.0version of the Fenton Forest 4x map includes compost. You can sell it. Or useit to fertilize your fields. To start making compost, just load the plant withstuff like chaff, grass, straw, hay, potatoes, silage, forage, logs. (Ithas some charming animations btw...)
If you'regoing to use the composter with other maps, the map needs to have compostinstalled.
One Placeable DieselProduction

When youload this facility with canola, you'll later get diesel fuel for yourmachinery.
And a Placeable DigesterSilo

Here, youcan make digestate from stuff like chaff, straw, grass, silage, hay, and manure.
Thedigester silo on the main farm (from version 6.0) has been removed. Buyand use this one instead.
Finally, the Placeable FermentingSilo
With thefermenting silo, you can make silage from chaff, grass, sugarcane.
TheGlobalCompany objects pack by Stevie includes an icons pack mod thatshould be installed and activated. This pack contains the icon for compost.
Version 8.0 - Compost Fix
(UpdatedOctober 10, 2019)Version 8.0 of this brilliant map includes a fix for the compost to theground. You can now tip compost on the ground. Great for fans of frontloaders with buckets…
You don'thave to start a new gamesave if you have already begun to use version 7.0. Justdownload the new map file (overwrite the 7.0 edition), load your currentgamesave, then save, quit, and restart for the fix to activate.

Version 9.0 - That's AllFolks
(UpdatedOctober 21, 2019)This is the end of the road for the Fenton Forest 4x map. This is the finalupdate. Some important messages first:
- Themap requires the Farming Simulator 1.5.1 patch to work flawlessly.
- You'llalso need the GlobalCompany script to make the most of it.
- Andyes, you have to start a new gamesave.
Note: You can use things like items,career, farms, and vehicle XML files from older saves, as long as you know whatyou're doing. And now, for the changes:
Stevie hascreated a lot of new animal pens. These are included with the final version ofthe map. There's also a new, placeable silo complex available in the shop thatis smaller than the main farm silos.

The mainfarm area has gotten grass to break up the rough dirt textures. There are morelights, trees, and bushes, together with new driving lanes along some of thefields.
There'salso a new railway crossing close to the grain mill in the southeast.

How to Download
Ok. Now forthe fun part. Getting the map into your mods folder. Just click the buttonbelow. It opens Stevies’ release post for the map on Facebook. Thedownload link is at the bottom of that post.
There,you'll also find the download link for the GlobalCompany objects packthat should be installed with the new version of the map.
And while you're on the Facebook page, be sure to leave the page a Like. Just to say "thanks" to a great mapper.
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.