The FS19 Riverview Map

By Yesmods

Feb 19 2019 - 14:42

Next mod



This is the Riverview FS19 mod map. And to be correct, this is thesecond version of it. And we like it a lot. Many changes have been made sincethe first version, making it even more playable. We think that a lot of FarmingSimulator newcomers especially will appreciate this map.

Kudos toLuke159 for actually creating one of the first mod maps that make good use of the “Build-Your-Farm-from-Scratch” system. Because you start withnothing if you opt in for the hardest difficulty level. No buildings, fields ormachinery. Just some money.

If you pickthe easy level, on the other hand, you’ll be heavily rewarded with tons of stuff.Here are some of the things you’ll get as a “New Farmer”:

1,300 trees

We get aBritish feel when playing this map. Maybe it’s all the hedges… There are atotal of 48 fields, most of them pretty AI Worker friendly. And if you are intologging and forestry, you really should try this map. It has more than 1,300trees…

The FS19 Riverview map is a nice map. It has an atmosphere, even though there are no traffic or AI pedestrians. Hopefully, the map will have more life to it in a future update.

How to Download the Riverview map: The button below takes you to the Map’s page on You have to download the map from that page.

Go to Download - 111MBWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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