Südhemmern Map (Seasons 19 Ready)

By Yesmods

Jul 26 2019 - 11:37

Next mod



Here’san opportunity to download the Südhemmern Map for Farming Simulator 19 (you'll find the download linkbelow.)

TheSüdhemmern map is famous for having one of the longest release streaks in thehistory of the Farming Simulator games. It made its debut in FS 2013 and hasbeen available in every game since.

Animated headers rack...

The FS19 version of the Südhemmern map is absolutely no outdated dinosaur. Yesterday, the fourth FS19 version was released, making it one of the first Seasons 19 ready maps.

The winter is nice on the Südhemmern map...

You'll Never Get Bored

Rarelyhave we seen FS19 maps with so much stuff to do. It's a multifruit map, meaning that you cangrow more than the vanilla crops. It's possible to plant and harvest crops likeonions, carrots, tobacco, hops, rye, and spelt.

Andproduction mods...A lot of production mods makes it easy to produce your own diesel fuel, seeds,and fertilizer. There's also a Balemaster at the farm where you can shred hay,grass, and straw bales.

More Production

Ever wantedto make your own Schnapps? What about beer, rum, or yogurt? On the Südhemmernmap, you can.

Not onlycan you make it, but you can also sell what you create. Use the F1 Help Menu tosee what each factory needs to produce your desired products.

Centralized Animals

The pensfor cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens are all located at the main farm. Only thehorses are located at their own horse farm.

To buyanimals, you could visit one of the map's four animal dealers. You see, most specieshave its own dealer on the Südhemmern map.

Good to Know

TheSüdhemmern map contains 42 fields and 2 pastures. Most fields are relativelysquare, and therefore, AI worker-friendly. Need to buy seeds, fertilizer,herbicide, or lime? There are selling stations at the farm where you get abetter price.

Oh, andthe sleeping trigger is inside the main house, in the bedroom on the firstfloor.

FS19 Südhemmern Map

Here aresome vital facts about this great FarmingSimulator 19 mod:

Seasons on ExistingGamesaves

It shouldnot be necessary to start a new gamesave, but you need to add some stuff to theexisting one:

First, starta new gamesave (with the Südhemmern map). Then, once it's started, save,and quit. Now copy the following files from the new gamesave into the old one:

  1. seasons .xml
  2. seasons_cropRotation.grle
  3. seasons_dryingMap.grle

Thisshould work, although there's no guarantee. Alternatively, you can start a new game andcopy the following files from the old gamesave to the new gamesave, and replacethese files (make a backup first to be on the safe side):

  1. careerSavegame.xml
  2. farmland.xml
  3. farms.xml
  4. vehicles.xml
  5. (And possibly) courseplaySettings.xml

Version – 8 NewProducts

(UpdatedDecember 21, 2019) There’san update for the map. The new version has a reworked horse farm, with morestorage and a new water trigger. Perhaps more important is the inclusion of 8new products. These are:

Each ofthese products has its own production facility. There are factories for makingbread, cigarettes, and gnocchi, for example. Note that you can make flour,needed for the gnocchi and bread making, at Mill 1. To make dark flour, add speltor rye to Mill 2.

The newproducts (and some of the old ones) can only be transported with aspecialized trailer or hooklift container. Both are included with the map. And yes,the map needs a new gamesave.

How to Download

The mapper has selected Modhoster to host the map. Click on the button under to get to the download page.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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