Slovak Village (Seasons 19 Ready)

By Yesmods

Feb 02 2020 - 14:20

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FarmingSimulator 19 mod map presentation: The amazing Slovak Village map, createdby MrHector.

Do you wantto try your farming luck in the eastern parts of Europe? Then you won’tprobably find a much better map than this one.

In the realworld, about 39 % of Slovakia is cultivated. Wheat, barley, corn, and potatoesare the most important crops. Cattle are the most important livestock, followedby pigs.

Slovak Village Features

The Slovakvillage map has all Farming Simulator 19 features. And then some. A lot of thefields are square, but there are also several irregular shaped fields.

If you use this map in the New Farmer mode, animal pens for cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens are already in place. All enclosures are ready for the Animal Pen Extension mod.

The main farm,in the New Farmer mode, is big and impressive. It makes perfect use of many ofthe (updated) buildings veteran farmers recognize from the FS15 Sosnovkamap. And yes, you can sell many of the buildings and the objects.

Your farm in the New Farmer mode.

Trains and Villages

The map hasa working train. There are several places where you can load and unload it, forexample, at the train station in the city. There’s also a train stop within theforest area where you can load the train with woodchips. And yes, the craneworks…

You can load the train with woodchips inside the forest. And the log crane works.

Note: All railroad silos, sellingpoints, and shops have their specific opening hours. Want to sell or buy afterthe opening hours? Too bad. You have to wait until they open.

You’ll findyour Farmhouse inside the village. It has both a chicken pasture and a sleeptrigger.

Your Farmhouse inside the village. It's here you sleep and keep chickens.

Be Self-Sufficient

You canproduce much of the stuff you need yourself, like seeds, fertilizer, andmanure. Just add the required ingredients to the different productionfacilities. You must install the GlobalCompany mod for this. When enabled, theGC mod will inform you of what you need at each production station.

The GlobalCompany menu is the perfect ingredients guide.

One of themany cool features on this map, is the Manitou forklift at the vehicle shop inthe city. You don’t own it, which means you can’t tab into it. But you arestill free to use it. You have to enter it manually. It’s great for loading thepallets you buy onto a trailer.

You can borrow the forklift at the vehicle shop.

Gold Mining

The SlovakVillage map has several factories. There is, for example, a meat factory and a soymilkproduction plant. The Globalcompany mod runs all the factories. Again, the GCmenu will help you figure out what you need to get the production going.

This factory makes soy milk and pig food, among other things.

There’salso a quarry inside the forest. Here’ you can extract stones, gravel, soil,and gold. To get started, you’ll need fuel and things that go boom! (Theshop has everything you need, like cement and dynamite…)

The shop is ready to fulfill most of your needs.

Thequarry is the perfect place to put stuff like excavators, for example.

Mmmmm... Excavators... The heaps in the background? They pop up, thanks to dynamite and the GlobalCompany mod.

It alsohas some really cool animations.

You should definitely check out the brick stacking robot in action.

Here’s anoverview of where you can unload gravel, stones, and soil:

You'll also need fuel and water.


A vastforest covers the western part of the map. Besides looking awesome, it’s also amagnificent place for forestry fans.

You can turnlogs into pallets, which are essential for several of the factories. The palletproduction takes place at the factory inside the forest. There’s also astandard Farming Simulator sawmill just outside the northern part of the woods.

The forest on this map is one of the most lifelike I've ever seen.

Placeables Included

The mapincludes several placeable objects, like different production objects, silos,sheds, and stuff for decorations.

You'll findall of them inside the Placeables category in the shop.

Buy them... or sell them.

Useful Hints

Here aresome of the map maker’s best tips for a great start with the Slovak Villagemap:

Ready for Seasons 19

Notice the snowy mountains in the background?

The Slovakvillage map works perfectly with Seasons 19. The mapper has made sure much ofthe textures change during the seasons, and not only the leaves on the trees.

The texturechanges also happen to stuff like the foliage and the distant mountains, whichis a nice touch.

He has alsomade a custom GEO for his map, which you can find on the official Modhub (seebelow.)

Required and RecommendedMods

To make themost of the Slovak Village map, you’ll need some mods. Here they are:

FS19 Slovak Village Mod Specs

Each time Iopen a new map, I want it to have an atmosphere. I want the map to give me agood feeling. This map does that. Immensely! It’s a fantastic creation. It hastons of atmosphere, thanks to a great layout and skillful mapping.

The map hasso many great details. The creator must have spent an insane amount of time,getting it as close to reality as possible. For example, the forest area is oneof the best I’ve ever seen in FS19. All in all, it’s one the best, most beautifulmaps so far.

Despite allthe details, like static cars, trucks, and farm machinery, the map runs smoothlyon my mid-level gaming rig.

Video Tour

If you want a video tour of the map, check out Farmer Klein’s impressive presentation on YouTube.

Version – A MassiveUpdate

(Updated March 17, 2020) One of the best Farming Simulator 19 maps just got a whole lot better. MrHector released an update last weekend with several fixes and tons of additions. And no, the new version does not require a fresh gamesave.

MrHector has written an extensive changelog for the update. I recommend that you read it for yourself, but here are some highlights:

The newversion of the map comes with a modded Thunder Creek FST990 fuel trailer, makingit easier to fill up factories that require fuel.

You can use the included Thunder Creek trailer to add fuel to the factories. Image credit: MrHector on Facebook.

MrHectorhas also added support for Wopster’s Manure System mod to the pig and cowpastures.

The Slovak Village map is the first to include Wopster's Manure System for buildings. Image credit: MrHector on Facebook.

Where to Download

To get your hands on the stunning Slovak Village map, you must visit the release post on Facebook. The blue button opens it. Just look for the download link at the bottom of the post.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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