Farming Simulator 19 mods presentation: LS17 Projekt Mecklenburg has released the Kandelin Map for Farming Simulator 19. This FS19 mod map is based on the northeastern parts of Germany. It has been over 2 years in the making.
And it’s an impressive map – Easily one of the best European Farming Simulator maps ever.

There’s a lot to do on this map. Here are someof the stats:
- Thereare 7 farms you can buy.
- 32fields, from 8ha to 150ha – And several meadows.
- 10selling points, including a sawmill, spinnery and a dairy plant.
But that’s not all. There are several forests around the map, ideal for some serious logging. And yes, the map also includes various types of missions.
FS19 Kandelin inMecklenburg Vorpommern

- Map Name: Kandelin in Mecklenburg Vorpommern.
- Modder: Luan Löwe/LS17 ProjektMecklenburg.
- Map size: Standard (4×4).
- Number of fields: 32 fields + 10 meadows (8ha - 150ha).
- Number of buyable farmlands: 56.
- Selling points: 13.

Map is Updated
(Updated March 30, 2019.) The team behind this beautiful map has posted on Facebook about an update to Kandelin. Here are some of the changes:
- Several bugs are fixed. Floating objects have been grounded.
- Did you encounter problems in silos and the BGA? These are now solved.
- The BGA prices and the overall yield have been fixesd
- Performance is improved.
- New animals have been added. There are new field missions too.

(May 23, 2019) This beautiful map has changed a lot since thefirst time we wrote about it. Many of the changes includes bug fixes and adaptionto the new patches from Giants.
One of the best news are the PDF manuals. The Kandelin map is complex. Themanual are very useful in helping you get the most out of it. Here they are:

Version - Seasons19, Baby!
(Updated August 3, 2019) One of the best Farming Simulator maps ever, has gotten another FS19 update. Most importantly, it’s now fully compatible with Seasons 19. And you don't need to wait for a GEO mod. It's as simple as plug-and-play.
That's farfrom the only change. Here are more of the good stuff from the changelog:
- Scripts, clip distances, and terrain textures are revamped. The result is better performance.
- Various markers for loading and unloading can now be turned off in the Game menu.
- AI traffic is adjusted. Animal scripts are improved. Floor slabs are removed from all courtyards, while the Deco-grass will be removed in landscaping mode or by plowing.
- You can make bales from alfalfa, which can be sold (no mod required.)
This isjust the tip of the iceberg. There have been so many improvements to the mapit's impossible to name them all. Best you can do is to download it and try itfor yourself.

Plane, Not Train
There's aflyable plane in the Kandelin map. Well, kinda flyable. You can set the speed,but you cannot control stuff like pitch and roll. Still, it's a charmingfeature that serves you a birds-eye view of your fields and their crops.

Guide to Kandelin
First, download the mod before unpacking it. Inside the folder, you'll find the map file (
) that needs to be copied over to your mods folder.
You'llalso find guides to the map, both in German and English. We hope more map makers will dothe same.

Version - SeasonsFixes, GlobalCompany
(UpdatedAugust 25, 2019)Here's most likely the last update to the Kandelin map. A lot of minor bugshave been fixed, like floating trees, and triggers that didn't work in previousversions (the pig food trigger at the pigpen, for example.)
Just asimportant is the inclusion of the GlobalCompany script. Most, if not all,production on the map now uses that script. Just make sure that you have the GCscript installed and activated before entering the newversion of the map.
Problematic Triggers
There are some problems with the player triggers for all the production objects that use the GlobalCompany script on this map.
Thanks to Totenfarmer, for sharing a guide on how to fix the problem. You can read how to do it over at the official Farming Simulator forum.
New Gamesave Required
There arealso updates to how the map handles Seasons 19, like making some non-workingice covers work again.
This updatewill most likely require a fresh gamesave.

Version – More Fixesand Additions
(UpdatedDecember 23, 2019) Here’swhat’s new in the recently updated Kandelin map:
- Somefixes, like the removal of the bale shredder trigger at the sheep farm and correctedEnglish translations for the TMR production.
- Themap now works with GlobalCompany version and Seasons 19
- Thereare now bale triggers for the TMR production facilities at Kandelin and Bisdorf,together with an adjustment of how much food the animals eat.

Version – ManureSystem Ready
(UpdatedMarch 23, 2020) Thenew version of the Kandelin map is ready for download. Here are some of the fundamentalchanges and additions:
- l10n description added for the Grimme Beat Beeter.
- Fix for the manual barrier; the error is gone.
- Alfalfa adjusted to work with the MaizePlus and Morebunkersilo mods (alfalfa regrows after harvest and turns into chaff if processed with a forage harvester pickup or direct cutter.)
- Farm slurry storages now work with Wopster’s Manure System (but you’re not required to use it.
New Gamesave?
You can use your old Kandelin gamesave if you are willing to do some XML editing. Join the map makers Discord to learn more.

Non-Manure System Version
Note: There’s a version ofthe map available, that don’t use the Manure system. You can download itfrom this page.
How to Download
There's only one bummer about the Kandelin map. The modder has chosen Uploaded for the mod file. And if you’re not an Uploaded subscriber, it will take forever to download.
(We hope modders stop using Uploaded in favor of more user-friendly hosts.)
Note: You need to unpack the mod files, once you’ve gotten it to your computer. You’ll find the required files inside the unpacked folder together with handy guides, both in English and German.
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.