Hohenbrünzow 2K19 Mod Map 4.0

By Yesmods

Apr 03 2019 - 08:55

Next mod



Now, you can enter the Hohenbrünzow mod map for Farming Simulator 19. The map is built around a small village in the Mecklenburg Lakeland in the northeastern parts of Germany. And we might just say it like it is right away: This is a darn good FS19 map!

The mapmaker has obviously put a whole lot of effort into the details. Because there are so many of them. Each is great on their own. Together they make one of the best Farm Sim maps we’ve played in a long time.

Lot of space for placeable objects.

Huge Fields

This is a worker’s map. There are 25 fields. Some of them are pretty huge. And there’s not much space between. It’s easy to sink a considerable number of hours into the Hohenbrünzow map.

FS19 Hohenbrünzow 2K19 Map

Here is most of what you need to know:

Yes, there is a train. But it has no function other than being decorative. And there’s also a forest on the map, though it’s small. Still, it should keep forestry fans occupied for a while.

Version 2 of the Map is Ready

The map hasgotten an update. You’ll most likely have to start a new gamesave. Here are the changes:

Hohenbrünzow 2K19 Mod Map3.0

(May 2019) The gorgeous Hohenbrünzow map has reachedversion 3.0 The new version requires anew game save. Because a lot haschanged since we last wrote about the map:

And finally - Multi Terrain Angle functionality has been added to the map.

Version 4.0

(UpdateJune 24, 2019) TheHohenbrünzow 2K19 mod map has been updated. Some small errors have beenfixed. There’s now a new cowshed and a new pigsty too. Other changes:

There’s anentirely new starting farm when you choose the "New Farmer" mode (themain farm area has been relocated.) The buildings you find here can’t besold.

This mapupdate will require you to start a new game…

How to Download

If you wantto give the Hohenbrünzow map a try, you can click the button under. It willtake you the its official download page at Filehorst.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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