Geiselsberg (Seasons 19 Ready)

By Yesmods

Sep 30 2019 - 12:49

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FS 19 modmap presentation: Geiselsberg by Max Wild. Scroll down to the bottomfor the download guidance.

Here's along overdue look at one of the best, if not the best, map for FarmingSimulator 19. The Geiselsberg map won the award for the best mapduring this year's mod contest. It has now been updated, to be available onconsoles. It’s also prepared for Seasons 19 (there’s snow covering theroofs! Yay!) This allows me to write about it finally.

Outstanding Mapping

It'sactually hard to find words that describe how great the Geiselsberg map is.It's one of the best farm sim maps I've ever used, that's for sure. It's nowonder at all it won the map making contest.

I believe it's Max Wild, that is the main mapper. This map brings him all the way to the top, besides realistic map-making legends like BulletBill and OxygenDavid.


The map isbased on the real-world area surrounding the German village of Geiselsberg,not far from Nuremberg (Nürnberg.) Just look up “Geiselsberg,Haundorf” in Google maps to see the similarities.

Itdemonstrates the capabilities of the Giants Engine when extremely talented mapmakers go to work. I totally understand Giants Software's philosophy behindcreating the vanilla maps. Geiselsberg shows that it's also possible to make fantastic,life-like maps, based on actual locations around the world.

An Idea for the Future

While playing this map, I'm thinking that Giants should hire external mappers for FS 21 (or whatever it will be...) Giants could take care of the maps for the casual players. The hired map makers would be responsible for making a couple of maps like Geiselsberg, catering to the hardcore farm simmers. All maps would be available at release, of course.

The mainfarm buildings are by far some of the best ever in the history of FarmingSimulator Games.

About the Crane

The Stepahay crane (inside the main barn) does work, kinda... You need tostand directly under it to enter. Oh, and remember to move it back to itsinitial position before leaving it. It's pretty hard to enter it from theground floor…

I couldn'tget it to move grass or hay. But when being careful, it's possible to liftbales with it. Hopefully it'll become more user-friendly in a futureupdate.

Stunning Forests!

There areseveral forest areas on the map, with plenty of trees to cut. And they playnice with the GPU. No noticeable tree lag.

Having saidthat, this is a very detailed map. It might do some funky stuff to lowerspecced gaming computers.

The pig farm is located inthe village.

While the sheep are heldto the north.

There are two Biogasfacilities (BGA.)

So many amazing details.

The forest roads are solife-like.

Yes, it’s ready forSeasons 19…

FS 19 Geiselsberg Map

I'mblown away by how great the Geiselsberg map is. And judging by how many Modhub votes it hasreceived already, it's clear that many Farming Simulator players wantreal-world based, realistic maps like this (Giants, I'm looking at you...)Here are more details about the map:

Version – Manure System

(UpdatedMarch 31, 2020) I’llsay this is one of the top 3 maps for everyone looking for realistic FS 19gameplay. Now, it’s even more realistic:

The latest version has several connection points for the Manure System mod hoses.

How to Download

If this map looks like something you want to try for yourself, just open the in-game modhub to download it. Or visit the official download page online (click on that blue button below.)

Go to DownloadThis mod is an official Modhub mod. Please, do the modder a favor and only download it from the in-game hub or from its official mod page on

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