Felsbrunn Modding-Welt Edition 1.0.0

By Yesmods

Aug 20 2019 - 10:57

Next mod



Here'sthe Modding-Welt edit of the Felsbrunn map for Farming Simulator 19. The download instructions arelocated at the end of this post.

Yes, youwill definitely recognize most of the field layouts from the vanilla version ofFelsbrunn. But a lot has changed too. Most important is the implementation ofthe beautiful farm buildings pack made by BernieSCS. It'sworth downloading the map just because of it.


Furthermore,the modder has added lots of additional goodies to the map. For it to work correctly,you should download the following mods:

The secondmod on the list lets you use sugar beets to produce biogas.

New Textures and Symbols

TheModding-Welt version of the Felsbrunn map has a custom set of foliage textures.Many of the crops have new symbols. And when you want to sell your products,you have several options:

Straw from Canola

This map letsyou create straw from both canola and soybeans. Just remember to put thecombine in straw swath mode before threshing. Note that the fermentationprocess of the built-in silos is 48 hours. And that allinteraction ground markings can be turned off or on in the main menu.

Liquid Transport

In theshop, in the Tools | Miscellaneous category, there are twotransport trailers. These can transport all kinds of liquids, whetherit's milk, water, herbicide or fuel. The capacities are 12,000 and 32,000 liters,respectively.

A Farm with Tons ofOptions

Theinclusion of BernieSCS' buildings mega pack adds a lot of options to your farm.You get a fuel tank capable of holding 12,000 liters. A bulk material hall. Adrive-through silo. A storage silo for seeds, fertilizer, and lime. There'salso a liquid tank, accepting everything except liquid manure anddigestate.

Here aresome of the other objects you get:

More Advanced Animals

The mapadds new functionality to the animals and how they breed. The rate of birth hasbeen increased for all species. They need more food and water than vanillaanimals. Chickens require straw and water in addition to grain, while horsesproduce manure and therefore want straw...

No Seasons 19

This versionof the Felsbrunn map is not prepared for Seasons 19. The Seasons modwill most likely work. But it might create some artifacts to the map. It's alsoworth mentioning that the Animal Pen Extension mod won't work neither.

FS19 FelsbrunnModding-Welt Edition

Here aresome important details about really good Felsbrun-edit:

How to Download

TheModding-Welt Team's take on the Felsbrunn map is hosted over at Uploaded.When you press the blue button below, you'll be taken to the official downloadpage.

Unpack First

You need to extract the file after you've downloaded it (you can use 7-Zip, for example.) Inside the folder (KARTE_Felsbrunn – Entpacken), you'll find the map file (aaa_KARTE_Felsbrunn.zip) that you'll copy to your mods folder. There's also a PDF manual (in German) inside the folder, with more information and extended credits.

Go to Download

(Via Modding-Welt)

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