This is one of the best mod edits of the FS19 vanilla Felsbrunn map. Do you still enjoy Felsbrunn? But feel you could use another take on it? Then you should try this version made by MC / Jürgen.

Yes, you’ll recognize many of the things Giants put in the map originally. But MC has made many significant changes in his mod map, making it playable for many hours to come.
Several Changes
This FS19 Mod map has been revised several time. For the better. Here are some of the newly added changes:
- The map includes the four buyable sheds from Vertex Dezign.
- Buyable storage buildings for hay, grass, straw, and woodchips.
- It’s now possible to produce fuel.
- The old sawmill has been replaced with a new one.
- The map has also gotten a new sugar factory.
- Original modder: MC / Jürgen.
There are tons of additional changes in addition to the ones I mention above. The best thing you can do is to download the map and try it for yourself. Oh, and if you already have a gamesave with an older version of this map edit, there should be no need to create a new game. Just replace the old file.
Version 1.3. is Ready

These are some of the more significant changes:
- Thecrop types are no longer displayed twice in the menu.
- Theroller doors are working now.
- Moredecorations have been added to the map.
- Andminor bug fixes.
It’s unclear if you need to start a new game in order to make use of the new changes.
Get Version 1.4 now

(Update March 25, 2019) The Felsbrunn edit has gotten another update. This time it’s mainly about new crops:
- Carrots, onions, hops and rye (using exclusive foliage textures) have been added.
- More animated lights and deco have been built in.
- There have also been some minor fixes.
- It’s again possible to sell the farm buildings.
- And the grass in Landscaping mode has been fixed. It’s growing again…
Version 2.0 is Here

The Felsbrunn edit by MC has gotten a totalmakeover. The changesare so many that you’ll need to start a new game. And it requires the FS19 1.3 patch.Here are some of the things that havechanged:
- Themap has been extended. Many new buildings are installed. And there are 6 newfields.
- Manyof the buildings now have lights that can be switched on or off.
- There are also some new crops: millet, spelt, triticale, andsorghum.
- Severalbugs have been fixed. And things like textures, splines and folder hierarchy havebeen optimized.
In other words: One of the best Felsbrunn edits just became even better.

Version 2.1 Multifruit
(UpdateJune 2019) TheFelsbrunn edit by MC keeps growing. And it’s getting better for each new version.Here are some of the stuff that has happened since the previous update:
- Someof the visual errors, like plants floating in the air, have been fixed.
- Thetrain locomotive has changed to a diesel version. This means that the railwaypowerlines have been removed.
- There’snow a working lifting crane at the sawmill and another crane at therailway silo to the west.
- Andthere are new fruits too, like white cabbage, red cabbage, and salad.
Other than that? Clip distances have been optimized, and the unloading ramps at the fuel refinery have been lowered.

Version 2.1 Multifruit Update
(UpdateJune 24, 2019) There’sanother update of the map available. Here are some of the many changesmade to this massively edited version of the vanilla Felsbrunn map:
The slidingdoors you’ll find around the map now have collisions. No more drivingthrough closed doors… Some minor bugs have been fixed, like the doublecarrot entry in the modDesc. And the double lights at the sawmill have beenremoved.

- More lights have been installed at the whiskey distillery, the train station, and the sawmill.
- The storage capacities of many of the silos and storage buildings have been increased to 500,000 liters. That goes for the main farm silo too.
- Finally, the map has no trouble matching the 1.4 patch from Giants.
Here's Version 2.2Multifruit

(UpdateJuly 20, 2019) Thisstunning edit of the Felsbrunn map keeps getting new features. Scrap ‘edit’!Rebuild is more correct…
Anyhoo…Here are the changes for the 2.2 version of the map:
- Strawberriesand poppy plants are new crops to grow and harvest.
- Someof the road signs have had their collisions removed, by request fromsome users, tired of driving into them…
Version 3.0 -GlobalCompany and Seasons 19
(UpdatedOctober 5, 2019) Anew version of the Felsbrunn Edit by MC map has just been uploaded. The updateincludes two major add-ons:
- The map is now ready for Seasons19.
- It also includes support for the GlobalCompany(GC) script.
Severalof the GC objects are already installed on the map, such as:
A fermenting silo

Diesel production facility

And many, differentgreenhouses

My only,tiny objection, is that many of the GlobalCompany plants miss Englishtranslations for many of the ingredients and end products.
Tons of changes
Seasons andGlobalCompany are not the only updates. A lot of the map has gotten small andlarge add-ons, ranging from small signs to large buildings. Here are a coupleof examples:
There are several newstorage solutions.

Other,significant changes:
- Animal pens now work the Animal Pen Extended mod.
- One potato washer has been installed.
- Clip distances have been adjusted - The map performs better.
- Some of the fields have been adjusted to make space for new buildings.
And compostproduction is now part of the map. You can make compost from straw and manure.Then, you can use compost to fertilize your fields, for example.

Version 3.0MultifruitUpdate - Clean Up
(UpdatedOctober 14, 2019)Another update is ready to be downloaded. This update corrects a lot of smallerbugs, like triggers, wording, and textures. One of the fixes includes theEnglish language for all GlobalCompany production objects.
And theevergreen trees have been removed as requested by several users.

Typo Problem
There'sjust one problem with the latest 3.0 MultifruitUpdate version. Due to a typo ("ture"instead of "true"), some of the fillTypes are not shown in theprice list.
MC has made a fix available. You can download the corrected fillTypes.xml file from here.
This is howyou replace the old file if you're using the 3.0 MultifruitUpdate version:
- Unzip the map file (make a backup copy of it first.)
- Delete the old map zip file.
- Copy the new version of the fillTypes.xml to the
folder. - Let the new file overwrite the old version.
- If you want to re-zip the map file, remember to use the correct map name "FS19_Felsbrunn_Edit_By_MC."
(Updated October 28, 2019) The typos are gone. See under.
Version 3.0.MultifruitUpdate 2
(Updated October 28, 2019) Another update has reached the edited Felsbrunn map. Here are the changes:
- The typo error in the fillTypes.xml has been corrected.
- An unloading trigger at the bakery has been adjusted, making it easier to unload goods on pallets.
- All triggers have been revised.
3.0 MultifruitTriggerUpdate– More Fixes
(UpdatedNovember 20, 2019) I’mhappy that MC/Jürgen keeps on improving his Felsbrunn edit. Another update waspublished recently, with several fixes.
Anyone, whohas used the Animal Pen Extension mod together with the map, has noticed that installingthe valve could be more user-friendly… The new version fixes this.
- Dothe cuckoo drive you nuts? It has been told to quiet down a notch.
- Correctionsare in place for the triggers at the dairy and charcoal factories.

Version 4.0 – More Fixesand Additions
(UpdatedDecember 23, 2019) There’sa new version of the heavily edited Felsbrunn map ready. This update is mainlyabout ironing out bugs. But there is new stuff, as well.
- Theproduction facilities are locked to farmlands now. You need to buy the landbefore you can start producing. And the factory menus only show up once you’ve purchasedthe property.
- FillTypes.xmlis fixed together with some object collisions. There’s also a fix for thebakery unloading trigger, making off-loading goods easier, plus a revision ofall other triggers.
- Thereare new storage solutions for pallets, empty pallets, seeds, lime, andfertilizer, herbicide, and liquid fertilizer.
- Hereare the new products for the version: Red and white cabbage salad,together with carrot juice.

Version – MultifruitTriggerUpdate
(UpdatedJanuary 23, 2020) Anotherupdate of the map is ready. This version corrects all the triggers over at thegreenhouses. There are other changes too:
- There’sa new buyable and placeable multifruit silo available in the shop.
- Adjustmentfor the triggers and terrain over at the beer production and the bakery.
- Thebarrel trigger is improved over the rum and whiskey distillery.

Version – New Store Options
(Updated May 26, 2020) Yes, there’s a new version of the map available. Here are some of the changes and additions:
- Minor bug fixes.
- Improvement of various textures.
- New objects added, like signs, warehouses, and storage buildings.
- Empty pallets and board pallets now work with GlobalMarket.
- Compost is needed to start the production at the fruit farm.
- Bushes and flowers can now be added via the Landscaping tool.
- The map now has Multi-Terrain Angles.
- English PDA can be found in the Placeables category (Decoration.)
Where to Download
The modder keeps this mod over at Modhoster. Click the blue button to open the official mod page.
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.