Väderstad Rapid A 600-800S Seeders

By Yesmods

Nov 19 2019 - 13:34

Next mod



FarmingSimulator 19 addon showcase: The Väderstad Rapid A 600S and A 800S seeders,modified by Jens Ejvinsson.

First, it’sgreat to have a proper version of the Rapid A 800S in FS19. It’s also cool thatthis pack of seeders has some realistic options, like color choices and tanksthat can be enlarged and added.

Then, there’sthe tramline option. Do you want your farm sim to be as realistic as possible? Ifso, you should really try this mod, just for the tramline’s sake.


You can buya larger capacity seeds tank in the shop. When you do, the overall seedscapacity increases to 5,000 liters.

Note thatthe base versions don’t have fertilizer compartments. But you can buy an extrafertilizer tank for 10,000, which adds a 1,600 liters fertilizer hopper to bothseeders.

Besides thetank extension options, you also have the opportunity to paint your seeder inblack.

About Tramlines

Tramlines, or controlled traffic farming (CTF), is a system where the seeder creates permanent tracks in the fields, used for spraying during growth. Real-world CTF increases profit and grain quality.

TheVäderstad addon is capable of creating tramlines. On PC, you can press LeftCtrl + Y to select the tramline options (see the Help menu on consoles.) Youhave four different choices:

  1. Tramlines off.
  2. Narrow tramlines.
  3. Normal tramlines.
  4. And finally, wide lines.

Note thatplaying on 4x maps might not give you the desired results because of how the FS19 textures and foliage system works. But when used on standard sized maps, theend result is nice driving paths for your spreading equipment.

FS19 Väderstad Rapid A600-800S

Jens Ejvinsson is a great modder. If you’re a modder yourself, you should check out his modding tutorials on YouTube. They are outstanding.

If you’re “only”a player, you have the pleasure of using one of the best Farming Simulatorseeder add-ons to date, when you download this one. It is really that good.

Here aresome facts:

Version – A CoolTramline Fix

(UpdatedDecember 4, 2019) JensEjvinsson has fixed the Väderstad seeders mod. And I like how he has done it.Now, you have to buy the tramline function separately in the shop. Then, backup the seeder close to it, to attach it.

To use it, youhave to select it before turning it on. You can still toggle between thetramline widths for narrow, normal, or wide tracks.

Thiselegant solution takes care of several things:

Where to Download

The Väderstad Rapid A 600S and A 800S drills are now part of the official Modhub. You can download it when the game is running. You can also visit its Modhub-page by clicking the button.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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