Amazone Cayron 200 Plow

By Yesmods

Sep 05 2019 - 15:29

Next mod



FS 19 mods presentation: Amazone Cayron 200 Plow, modified for FS19 by Młody98. Need the download instructions now? Check at the end of this showcase.

The AmazoneCayron 200 made its first, Giants initiated, appearance in Farming Simulator2015. It made it into FS17 as well, but not FS19. Thanks to Młody98,it's now possible to ready your fields with it in Farming Simulator 19 too.

Nothing Overly Fancy

The Amazoneplow is just that. A plow. There's nothing to configure inside the shop. But ithas all the necessary FS19 features, like great looking textures.

With itsworking width of 3 meters, it tightens the gap slightly between the AgroMasz (2.5 meters) and the Lemken Titan 18 (4.9 meters). Still,it'll require patience to use it to prepare the seedbed on larger fields...

FS19 Amazone Cayron 200

Młody98 (themodder) has done a terrific job making the plow ready for FarmingSimulator 19. This is what I think you should know about it.

A Modhub Download

Giants has added the Amazone plow to the official Modhub. You can download it when you're in FS19. Or by visiting its mod page on The blue button takes you there.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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