Chäfer Bunker Forage Harvester

By Yesmods

Feb 05 2020 - 12:42

Next mod



FarmingSimulator 19 mod presentation: The Chäfer bunker forage harvester, createdby Lunchbox.

Let'sget this out of the way, once and for all: This is a fantastic mod! It’s stunning inevery way. But it’s not for all. More on that later.

The forager addon resembles a real-world rebuild of the Claas Jaguar 800. Apparently, there are only two versions of it in existence. Here’s a video of it “in the wild.”

Chäfer In-Game Features

This forageharvester comes with a bunker. Before you can start chopping, you need tounfold the bunker first.

Colors – You can add your favorite colorsto most of the harvester. There are three color pickers available, for the body,for parts of the bunker, and the rims.

Wheels – You can use standard Mitas wheelson all axles. You can also choose to have tracks on the front axle.

Tracks is one of the shop options.

Several Steering Options

The Chäferharvester comes with two additional headers. First, there’s the pick-upheader for use with grass swaths.

The included pick-up header for grass swaths.

Then, there’sa direct cut header, which eliminates the need for mowers and windrowers.

And here's the Direct Cut header.

If you wantto harvest corn, you can use one of the base game headers. Just note that Ihad some trouble when using the Kemper 360 plus. For reasons I don’t know, the harvesterskipped parts of the field.

The Chäferharvester also has four steering options, crab steering included.

You can toggle between four different steering options. Here's crab steering to the left.

Simple IC Too

The modderhas prepped the forage harvester for the Simple IC mod script. It lets you opendoors, turn lights on and off (warning lights included,) and activatethe bunker auger.

The Simple IC script is still in beta. On this page, you’ll learn where to download it and how to use it. Yes, it’s possible to use the harvester without installing the script.

Not AI Worker Friendly(Yet)

The Chäfer harvester is not an AI worker’s best friend. It’s made for manual use. It has a huge turning radius, making it hard for hired AI hands to maneuver it.

A simple life-hack is to do the turns manually, then activate the workers on the straight stretches.

(Updated February 6, 2020 A new, AI worker friendly version is available. See below.)

I have nottested it with Courseplay, but I can imagine the large turning radius being achallenge for that script, as well.

And no, it’snot a bug. The reversing speed is 5 kilometers per hour (3 miles perhour.)

The mod makes forage harvesting easier.

FS19 Chäfer Bunker Forage Harvester Mod Specs

Lunchbox (themodder) has created an incredible mod for Farming Simulator 19. I believe hehas built most of the chopper and the bunker from scratch. Impressive! It looksgood, it sounds great, and it will make silage production easier for a lot ofplayers.

One Tiny Flaw

I could not spot any errors after using the harvester. But, as I mentioned earlier, AI workers have problems operating it. The modder is currently working on a fix. (Fixed - See below.)

Oh, and foliagebending doesn’t work with this version.

Version – AIWorkers Works Now

(UpdatedFebruary 6, 2020) Thebunker harvester has received two significant upgrades in the last 24 hours.Here is the important stuff:

The updated, more AI worker friendly version, with nice Claas colors.

Where to Download

You can download the Chäfer bunker chopper from the LS Company website. The blue button takes you there. Look for a green button labeled “Herunterladen.”

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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