Case IH Axial-Flow 240 Series (US & EU Versions)

By Yesmods

Nov 13 2019 - 10:52

Next mod



FS19 addonsshowcase: The Case IH Axial-Flow 240 Series combine harvesters, modified by SteenkampModding.

Yes, thesemodded Axial-Flow combines come with an option for US and CDN or Europeanconfigurations. Steenkamp Modding once again proves it’s possible to makeFarming Simulator 19 models that integrate regional differences.

Thedifferences are real. Due to contrasting laws and regulations, an Axial-Flow, ina North American field, are configured differently compared to those working inEuropean fields. This Addon has the best of both worlds…

Configuration Options

This versionof the Axial-Flow harvesters offers more options than the base game model. Perhapsthe most crucial choice is that you can choose a North American or a Europeanoption. If you pick the US/Canadian setup, the side warning signs disappear,while proper flasher arms pop up.

Wheels – The modified Case IH combine hasmany interesting wheel setups. There are several front twin wheel layouts anddifferent track width options available in the shop.

You can also pick differentlengths for the unloading auger pipe.

Control the service ladderwith a mouse or a controller.

FS 19 Case IH Axial-Flow240 Series

SteenkampModding has made a name for himself as the “Americanizer.” The number of AmericanFS players is growing. So is the amount of talented modders from “over there,”with Steenkamp Modding as one of the front runners.

Here’swhat you probably want to know about this mod:

How to Download

You can get this version of the Case IH harvester by opening the in-game Modhub. You can also visit online (click the button.)

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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