Ponsse Elephant King Forwarder

By Yesmods

Mar 19 2020 - 07:27

Next mod



FarmingSimulator 19 mod showcase: The Ponsse Elephant King forwarder, created byNorth Modding Company.

I’ve meantto write about this fantastic forwarder for a long time. The release of the ElephantKing Trailer gave me the final push to do so. I’m sorry I haven’t writtenabout it before. The forwarder deserves all the attention it gets.

The Ponsse Elephant King by NMC.

Forestry = Farming

Theforestry side of the Farming Simulator games is fascinating. Some people say itdoesn’t belong in a game about farming. I disagree. I know a lot of real-worldfarmers that does logging during the winter months, for example.

The loggingside of the FS franchise has evolved tremendously. FS2015 loggers surelyremember how trees kept rolling away forever after being cut. And logging on theflat ground didn’t help at all.

Logging inFS19 is a much more pleasant experience. The physics are much better. And theamount of forestry equipment is outstanding, thanks to one modding team inparticular: The North Modding Company (NMC.)

Just some of the many NMC mods on the official modhub.

The Best FS19 Forwarder

I’ve used alot of Farming Simulator forwarders. No one comes close to being as good as thePonsse Elephant King, created by NMC:

With the newly released Elephant King trailer, you can haul even more timber.

Massive Loads

NMC’s FS 19version of the Ponsse Elephant King has an impressive capacity. It dwarfs mostforwarders, for example, the base game Ponsse Buffalo.

Yes, it's bigger.

You canextend the hydraulic stakes and widen the bunk (see the Help Menu on how.)

Transport mode and work mode.

It’salso possible to tilt the entire load space for easier loading and unloading.

You can also tilt the load space.

A Lot of Features

You can adda pushing blade to the front of the Elephant King. Handy when you want to makebigger log piles for more effortless loading.

The blade is helpful when you want to collect logs.

A Trailer Too

NMCreleased an Elephant King trailer recently. It increases the overall capacity alot, meaning you don’t have to drive as much.

It workssimilarly to the forwarder; you can widen the load space and manually controlthe hydraulic stanchions.

You can download the trailer from the in-game modhub or (if you’re on PC or Mac) from this web page.

The Ponsse Elephant King trailer.

Ponsse Elephant King FS19Mod Specs

NMC’sPonsse Elephant King is an impressive addon. It makes me think that the NMCteam works really hard to make Farm Sim forestry fun and accessible for a lotmore players.

I’ll sayit’s worth doing logging just to be able to use this stunning piece ofmachinery.

Usage Tips

Takeyour time – Slowand steady wins the race. If you struggle, try lowering the vehicle armsensitivity in the game menu.

5 to 6meters – I findthat logs between five and six meters are the easiest to handle with theElephant King.

Fastenthe tension belts –Secure the load each time you load the bunk with a new log to avoid sliding.

How to Download

The FS19 Ponsse Elephant King is inside the official modhub. Just download it when the game is running. PC and Mac loggers can also get it from the FS website, to which the blue button takes you.

Go to DownloadThis mod is an official Modhub mod. Please, do the modder a favor and only download it from the in-game hub or from its official mod page on Farming-Simulator.com.

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