Krone Big Pack 120-80 Large Square Baler

By Yesmods

Oct 26 2019 - 10:33

Next mod



FS 19 modsshowcase: The Krone Big Pack 120-80 large square baler, made from scratch bythe ARM Team.

This is theFarming Simulator 19 version of the Krone large square baler that has appearedin many of the earlier FS games. It's so nice to have it back.

Yes, itlooks exactly like the John Deere 690. I've read somewhere that John Deerebought several Krone designs in the past and that the 690 was one of the results.

Looks Fantastic

The Kronebaler is an excellent looking addon, demonstrating the skills of the ARM Team (ARMis short for Agricultural and Racing Modding.) But don't expect too manycustomization options. You can change the colors of the tire rims. And that'sall.

I can't saywhether it's the baler itself or the updated Giants Engine. But if there's strawin the baler when you start collecting grass, for example, the first bale outwill be straw.

FS 19 Krone Big Pack120-80

I'm a bigfan of older farming equipment in the Farming Simulator games. That's why theARM team is one of my favorite modding teams.

Here aresome facts about the Krone baler:

How to Download

Giants has made room for the Krone baler in the official Modhub. You can get it if you have FS 19 running. You can get it from its official download page, as well - Click the blue button.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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