The Simple IC Script is in Beta, Adds Interactivity to FS19 Vehicles

By Yesmods

Jan 27 2020 - 11:17

Next mod



Modelleicher, known for several Farming Simulator 19 placeable objects and script mods, is currently working on a fascinating addon for FS19. The Simple IC is in beta, but already showing signs of becoming a great alternative to the old IC controls script that has been around for ages.

IC standsfor Interactive Control. It adds interactivity to the Farm Sim machinery.When enabled, you can control things like doors, windows, and buttons with yourmouse.

Beta and Bugs

When I writethis, the Simple IC addon has reached version, meaning it’s still inbeta. It might also have some bugs. When I tested it, I had to add the inputbindings myself, for example.

The mod works, though. You can test it yourself. Just download the file from Modelleicher’s Github (click here) and copy the file to your mods folder.

Then, download Modelleicher’s modified Deutz Agrostar 6.61 (click here) to see the script in action. Remember to activate both the tractor and the script when you load your gamesave.

See the red “X”? That’s what you want to click to interact…

Works with Courseplay

Modelleichersays one of the reasons for creating the Simple IC addon, was how the old ICscript doesn’t work with Courseplay. Modelleicher’s version does. It also playsnice with other vehicle control addons, like FollowMe and Wopster’s GuidanceSteering.

Modders willnotice how the current version of the script lacks several features whencomparing it to the FS17 version of the old script, but this is just temporary.Modelleicher plans to add several cool features, like interacting with implementswhen standing close to them.

A Global Mod

The old IC control functionality had to be hardcoded into each mod. Modelleicher is making the Simple IC global, meaning it’s a standalone mod. Yes, the vehicles still need to be prepped, but the amount of XML editing will be far less, compared to what’s required to implement the old script.

Another benefit of making the addon global is that players can deactivate it when they don’t want to use it. Here’s a video demonstrating the mod. Even if you don’t speak German, you’ll get a better understanding of how the mod works.

If you're a modder, interested in testing the script with your own mods, you can read more about it, and how to use it, here.

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