MJ Modding is Building the Gatehead Farm Map for FS19

By Yesmods

Jan 24 2020 - 09:18

Next mod



The MJ Modding team, authors of the famous PeterVill Farm and the Growers Farm are getting close to completing another Farming Simulator map, the Gatehead Farm. A couple a days ago, the team let the rest of us in on the progress.

The mod mapis 85 % complete. It needs some tidying up, plus some XML work before it's offto the Giants Q&A team for testing. And yes, the team hopes to get the mapon consoles in addition to PC and Mac.

British FS19 Map

By judgingfrom the images, the Gatehead Farm map seems to be inspired by a Britishlandscape. When released, it will have two sheep yards, two cow farms, one pigfarm, and one stable for horses.

It willalso include a custom-made lighting system. And MJ Modding has reworked the AItraffic by adding different speeds to the cars, depending on where on the mapthe traffic is.

New Models

MJ Moddinghas built a lot of the buildings from scratch. The Gatehead Farm map will onlyuse a handful of buildings created by others. The team members have made therest. And I have to say; the self-manufactured buildings look really good.

No word on a release date yet. You can follow MJ Modding on Facebook for news about the map and the Modhub release. There, you’ll also find a lot more images of the map.

Image credits: MJ Modding.

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