The FS19 Medicine Creek Map Has been Released

By Yesmods

Jan 21 2020 - 09:55

Next mod



(Updated February 3, 2020) No Creek Farms (that's the name of the modder) released the Medicine Creek map few hours ago. Here's the link for the Facebook release post (look for the link in one of the last comments.)

I'll try to make a proper presentation of the map later this week.

TheMedicine Creek Farming Simulator 19 map is close to being finished. It’s a USAbased map, made by the guy who also created the wildly popular No Creek Farmsfor Farming Simulator 17. The creator is working hard to make the new map readyfor a late January release.

The map hasgone through testing, eliminating some small errors, while some new elementshave found its way into the map.

Here’s ascreenshot for you:

Multi-Angled Terrain, MoreCrops

The new maphas many exciting features. It will include multi-angled terrain, making fieldworklook more realistic. There will be dynamic mud in some small areas, together withditches surrounding the fields and areas where the ground has suffered erosion.

Other features:

Ready for Seasons

TheMedicine Creek FS19 map is prepared to work with Seasons. It will also be oneof few Seasons ready maps that have custom made vegetation textures for each season.The author is also making a custom GEO mod for it.

You can, ofcourse, enjoy the map without using the Seasons mod. And just so you know,there will be no AI traffic with the initial release of the map.

Check out the No Creek Farms Facebook page to follow the map-making process and for updates on the release.

ImageCredits: No Creek Farms on Facebook.

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